Week 40


Level 1 – Sequential Study

Scripture Reading:
Rom. 16:1-27

Assigned Reading:
Life-study of Romans, msgs. 68, 69

Level 1 Study Questions

1. What does it mean to walk according to our spirit or to walk in spirit?
What is the significance of the mingled spirit in the gospel of God presented in the book of Romans?


Level 2 – Topical Study of Romans

Week 40- Christ as All and In All in the Gospel of God

Rom. 1:1-4; 10:1-21; 16:25

Assigned Reading:
LS of Romans, msgs. 31-32;
CWWN, vol. 11, “What are We?”

Supplemental Reading:
CS of the Epistle to the Romans, chs. 25-26;
The Satanic Chaos in the Old Creation and the Divine Economy for the New Creation, chs. 4-5

Verse references:

Rom. 16:1 footnote 2 references;
Rom. 16:20 footnote 2 cross references

538; 981

Memory Verses for Prayer:
Rom. 16:25, 27

Level 2 Study Questions

1. Explain how Christ is the center and content of the gospel of God in the book of Romans.
2. What is the significance of Romans 10?
3. What is the Lord’s recovery–what is being recovered today?
4. What is the significance of words such as “the high peak” and “consummation” and the “New Jerusalem” in the ministry material among us?

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Week 39


Level 1 – Sequential Study

Scripture Reading:
Rom. 15:1-33

Assigned Reading:
Life-study of Romans, msgs.  66, 67

Level 1 Study Questions

1. What are the two condemnations in the book of Romans and how are they overcome?
2. Use the illustration of the power plant, electricity, switch, and appliance to illustrate the law of the Spirit of life.


Level 2 – Topical Study of Romans

Week 39 – Greetings in the Body Life

Rom. 16:1-27

Assigned Reading:
The Practical Points concerning Blending, chs. 1-5

Supplemental Reading:

Verse references:
Rom. 16:3 footnote “fellow” cross references;
Rom. 16:5 footnote 1 cross references;
Rom. 16:17 footnote 2 cross references


Memory Verses for Prayer:
Rom. 16:3-5a

Level 2 Study Questions

1. Why is there a section of greetings at the end of the book of Romans following the preceding chapters?
2. What is the significance of including greetings in the Bible, particularly in the New Testament?
3. Why is there an exhortation regarding divisive ones at the end of the book of Romans?
4. Why does Paul mention the God of peace crushing Satan under the church’s feet shortly at the end?
5. How can you practice the principles in Romans 16 in your church life?

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Week 38


Level 1 – Sequential Study

Scripture Reading:
Rom. 14:13-23

Assigned Reading:
Life-study of Romans, msgs.  64, 65

Level 1 Study Questions

1. How do the divine life and human life work together for our transformation and conformation?
2. What does it mean for us to grow together with Him in the likeness of His death and be in the likeness of His resurrection?


Level 2 – Topical Study of Romans

Week 38 – Fellowship Among the Workers and the Churches

Rom. 15:1-16:27

Assigned Reading:
Life-study of Romans, msg. 30;
The Experience of God’s Organic Salvation Equaling Reigning in Christ’s Life, ch. 6

Supplemental Reading:

Verse references:
Rom. 15:16 footnote 3 cross references;
Rom. 15:26 footnote “Macedonia” cross references;
Rom. 15:33 footnote “God” cross references


Memory Verses for Prayer:
Rom. 15:16, 30

Level 2 Study Questions

1. In Rom. 15:1-13, what is the significance of hope? How can we have hope?
2. Using the verses in Rom. 15-16, describe the proper, healthy relationship between the workers and the churches and among the churches.
3. Why is it important that there is fellowship among the churches?
4. In the New Testament, what are some functions of a worker among the churches?

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Week 37


Level 1 – Sequential Study

Scripture Reading:
Rom. 14:1-12

Assigned Reading:
Life-study of Romans, msgs.  62, 63

Level 1 Study Questions

1. Why is it important for us to have a vision of the dispensing of life into tripartite being?
2. Explain how our union with Christ is a matter of a grafted life, not an exchanged life.


Level 2 – Topical Study of Romans

Week 37 – The Kingdom of God as Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Spirit

 Rom. 14:17

Assigned Reading:
Life-study of Mark, msg. 15;
What the Kingdom is to the Believers, chs. 1-3

Supplemental Reading:

Verse references:
Rom. 14:17 footnote 1 cross references


Memory Verses for Prayer:
Rom. 14:17, 19

Level 2 Study Questions

1. What is the kingdom of God?
2. Is the kingdom of God here already or is it something to come?
3. What is the significance, if any, of the order of the words “righteousness, peace, and joy” in Rom. 14:17 when describing the kingdom of God?
4. What is the significance of the word “kingdom” when ascribed to our Christian and church life?

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Week 36


Level 1 – Sequential Study

Scripture Reading:
Rom. 13:8-14

Assigned Reading:
Life-study of Romans, msgs. 60, 61

Level 1 Study Questions

1. Why is God triune and how does the Triune God fulfill His purpose?
2. What is the relationship between God’s dispensation, righteousness, holiness, and glory?


Level 2 – Topical Study of Romans

Week 36 – Living to the Lord and Giving Our Own Account at the Judgment Seat

Rom. 14:6-23

Assigned Reading:
The Conclusion of the New Testament: The Believers, Vol. 2, msgs. 151, 184;
The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1972, vol. 1, “Preparing for the Lord’s Return,” ch. 7

Supplemental Reading:
The Conclusion of the New Testament: The Church, the Kingdom, and the New Jerusalem, msg. 222

Verse references:
Rom. 14:10 footnote 1 references and cross reference;
Rom. 14:12 footnote “give” cross references


Memory Verses for Prayer:
Rom. 14:7-8, 12

Level 2 Study Questions

1. Explain the difference, if any, between living “for” the Lord and living “to” the Lord. Give a personal example.
2. In Rom. 14:12, what is the significance of the phrase “concerning himself” in the context of Romans 14?
3. What is the judgment seat of God in Romans 14? Give a brief summary of God’s judgment upon unbelievers and believers.
4. In what ways might we put a stumbling block or cause of falling before the brothers around us (Rom. 14:13)?

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Week 35


Level 1 – Sequential Study

Scripture Reading:
Rom. 13:1-7

Assigned Reading:
Life-study of Romans, msgs. 58, 59

Level 1 Study Questions

1. What do you see concerning God’s mercy and His selection of grace?
2. How can we practice the Body life in the receiving of the believers?


Level 2 – Topical Study of Romans

Week 35 – Receiving the Believers as God has Received Them

Rom. 14:1-15:7

Assigned Reading:
Life-study of Romans, msgs. 28; The Experience of God’s Organic Salvation Equaling Reigning in Christ’s Life, ch. 5

Supplemental Reading:

Verse references:
Rom. 14:1 footnote “weak” cross references;
Rom. 14:1 footnote 3 references


Memory Verses for Prayer:
Rom. 14:3-4

Level 2 Study Questions

1. What is the principle of our receiving believers as seen in Rom. 14:3?
2. What does it mean for Christ to be the Lord, especially with respect to receiving the believers?
3. When have you received believers differently due to an outward practice (e.g. Paul mentions receiving the believers differently due to eating)?
4. Are there persons we should not receive?

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