2025 Truth Pursuit of Genesis

Every Friday at 7:30 PM

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This Week - Week 8

Level 1

Scripture Reading and Copying: Gen. 8
Life-study Message Reading: Msg(s). 15, 16

Level 2

Title: Dominion

Verse: Gen. 1:26
Assigned Reading: The Central Line of the Divine Revelation, ch. 7

Supplemental reading:

The Way for a Christian to Mature in Life, chs. 12, 14
Crystallization Study of Genesis (1), msg. 5

Study Questions: 
1. What is the meaning of “dominion” in the Scriptures?
2. Consider the line of “dominion” through the Scriptures.
3. In our experience, is there anything or anyone that has dominion over us? 

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Truth Pursuit in the Book of Genesis

WeekScripture ReadingCrucial Point
Week 1Gen. 1:1In the Beginning God Created the Heavens and the Earth
Week 2Gen. 1:2Satan’s Rebellion and Corruption, Resulting in Judgment
Week 3Gen. 1:3-8The First Day and the Second Day
Week 4Gen. 1:9-23The Third Day, the Fourth Day, and the Fifth Day
Week 5Gen. 1:24-31The Sixth Day
Week 6Gen. 2:1-3The Seventh Day
Week 7Gen. 1:26Image
8Gen. 1:26Dominion
9Gen. 2:8-17The Garden of Eden
10Gen. 2:8-9, 16-17The Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
11Gen. 2:16-17God’s Command Concerning Eating
12Gen. 2:18-25Eve as Adam’s Helper and Counterpart
13Gen. 3:1-13Satan’s Temptation and Man’s Being Deceived
14Gen. 3:14-15The Judgment on the Serpent and the Promise Regarding the Seed of the Woman
15Gen. 3:16-24God’s Judgment on Man in the First Fall
16Gen. 4Cain and Abel
17Gen. 5Numbering Our Days or Producing a Culture without God
18Gen. 6Noah in the Days of Noah
19Gen. 6-8The Revelation of, Preparation of, and Entering Into the Ark
20Gen. 8-9A Life in Resurrection with the Blessing and Covenanting God
21Gen. 9:18-27The Failure of Noah as a Test to His Children, Resulting in Their Receiving Either Curse or Blessing
22Gen. 11:1-9Babel
23Gen. 12:1-5God’s Calling of Abraham in Genesis 12
24Gen. 12:6-8A Life of the Altar and the Tent
25Gen. 12:9-20The Trial of Famine in the Life of the Called
26Gen. 13The Choice of Lot
27Gen. 14Abraham Fighting for His Brother
28Gen. 14:18-20Melchizedek
29Gen. 15:1God as Abraham’s Shield and Exceedingly Great Reward
30Gen. 15God’s Covenant with Abraham Concerning the Seed and the Land
31Gen. 17Circumcision
32Gen. 18God’s Visitation and Abraham’s Fellowship with God in Genesis 18
33Gen. 19Remember Lot’s Wife
34Gen. 18, 20Principles of Intercession from Genesis
35Gen. 16-21, 26Sarah and Hagar, Ishmael and Isaac
36Gen. 22God’s Test to Abraham: The Offering Up of Isaac
37Gen. 24The Practical Living of God’s People in Oneness with Him for the Accomplishing of His Eternal Purpose Seen Through the Marriage of Isaac
38Gen. 25:19-28The Purpose of God According to Selection with Esau and Jacob
39Gen. 25:29-34; Gen. 36Esau Despising His Birthright
40Gen. 27-28Jacob’s Dream and Vow at Bethel
41Gen. 29-31Jacob and Laban
42Gen. 32:22-32Jacob Seeing God Face to Face, Struggling with God, and Being Touched by God at Penuel
43Gen. 33-34Jacob’s Return to the Land Stopping Short at Shechem
44Gen. 35:1-5Jacob’s Household Putting Away Foreign Gods, Purifying Themselves, and Changing Their Garments in Preparation for Bethel
45Gen. 35:6-15Building an Altar and Pouring Out a Drink Offering and Oil at Bethel to El-Bethel
46 Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, Jacob to Israel, and Ben-oni to Benjamin
47Gen. 37:1-11Joseph’s Dreams Concerning God’s People as Sheaves of Life and as the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars of Light
48Gen. 37-39The Murderous Sin of Covetousness and Dealing with Lust
49Gen. 40-41Joseph in the Dungeon, Brought Out of the Dungeon, and Set Over All the Land
50Gen. 41:45-57; Gen. 47Joseph as the Revealer of Secrets and Savior of the World, the Sustainer of Life
51Gen. 42-45Joseph Dealing with His Brothers
52Gen. 45, 50Knowing God as God and Submitting to God as God
53Gen. 48:15-16“The God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, the God who shepherded me all my life to this day, the Angel who has redeemed me from all evil”
54Gen. 49:1-14Jacob’s Prophesying with Blessing: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulun, Isaachar
55Gen. 49:15-28Jacob’s Prophesying with Blessing: Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Joseph, Benjamin
56Gen. 47-50Jacob’s Life of Maturity Issuing in Blessing
57 The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
58 The Titles of God in Genesis
59Gen. 23, 35, 47, 49The Death and Burial of Believers
60 Genesis in Revelation