Prayer Burdens for October 4, 2022

1. The International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (ITERO) being held this upcoming weekend–Let us give thanks and pray for all the leading ones in the churches throughout the whole earth; the general subject of the messages will be Loving the Lord and Loving One Another for the Organic Building Up of the Body of Christ

2. Thanksgiving to the Lord for His faithful care of the church as the great Shepherd of the sheep (Heb. 13:20) and as our High Priest who lives always to intercede for us (Heb. 7:25-26) and prayer for the church’s further going on:
a. The strengthening of the oneness in every household
b. The strengthening of the burden for the gospel
c. The shepherding of all the saints of all ages
d. The strengthening of the service groups in all nine halls of the church
e. The strengthening of the church meetings and small group meetings this week

3. Thanks to the Lord for the recent new beginning in Brooklyn (Hall 4) with the new meeting hall there–Pray for their meetings and that through the practical services many saints will grow, be brought into function and be built up

4. Pray for the saints and the people of Puerto Rico and Florida in the aftermath of the recent hurricanes which impacted those areas–Give thanks to the Lord that there was no loss of life among the saints and pray that the Lord would grant all the saints His superabounding grace and meet their every need in Christ Jesus (1 Tim. 1:14; Phil. 4:19)

5. The Lord’s move in Europe:
a. Thanksgiving and praise for the Lord’s raising up of a new lampstand in Lisbon, Portugal
b. Upcoming gospel trips in Germany and Switzerland (October 10-23)

6. The various needs of the saints both locally and in other localities (e.g. physical and emotional, health-related, job-related, family-related, etc.)