1. All ages for the Lord’s testimony–Pray for the saints of all ages and the challenges faced by each age group in order that each one would shine as luminaries in the midst of a crooked and perverted generation (Phil. 2:15) and that the testimony of the church in NYC would shine brightly:
a. The elderly saints
b. The middle-aged saints
c. The young couples (including all the newly married couples) and the young families
d. The young working saints
e. The college-age saints and the young people
Philippians 2:15-16a That you may be blameless and guileless, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverted generation, among whom you shine as luminaries in the world, holding forth the word of life…
2. The baptisms of all the fifth and sixth grade children who have received the Lord over the past few weeks and their ongoing shepherding (at least 25 children have prayed to receive the Lord)
3. The July semiannual training which begins next Monday, July 4, and the video training which begins Wednesday, July 6
4. The strengthening of the church life throughout the coming months and all the other summer activities:
a. The Family Bible Camp
b. The Chinese-speaking Perfecting Training
c. The Summer School of Truth
5. The various needs of the saints both locally and in other localities (e.g. physical and emotional, health-related, job-related, family-related, etc.)