Prayer Burdens for June 14, 2022

1. Thanksgiving to the Lord for the salvation of 22 children in grades 5 and 6 in the gospel meeting this past Saturday:
a. That they all would have the joy of their salvation and the inward witness that they are children of God (Rom. 8:16)
b. That each child would have a genuine experience of baptism
c. For the salvation of the children in grade 5 who did not make it to the gospel meeting last Saturday
d. Household salvation

2. The strengthening of the church in NYC:
a. That all the saints would be burdened for the salvation of their friends, relatives, neighbors, co-workers and classmates
b. The strengthening of the church meetings and small group meetings this week
c. The strengthening of all the practical services in the church

3. The Northeast Summer College Training being held at Camp Penuel next week

4. The release of the word in the upcoming July semiannual training

5. The strengthening and spread of the Lord’s testimony in the United States:
a. The ongoing migrations to various cities in the Midwest, Mid Atlantic and Southeast and the strengthening of these churches
b. The Midwest–The Summer School of Truth Teachers’ Training being held online this upcoming Saturday and the various Summer Schools of Truth being held throughout the Midwest next week

6. The various needs of the saints both locally and in other localities (e.g. physical and emotional, health-related, job-related, family-related, etc.)