Prayer Burdens for July 26, 2022

1. That all the saints would “take root downward and bear fruit upward” (2 Kings 19:30) by spending personal time with the Lord daily and allowing the Lord to flow out of them by preaching the gospel, shepherding others and speaking in the small group meetings and church meetings

2. Thanksgiving to the Lord for the Family Bible Camp (FBC) held over this past weekend–On Saturday the attendance reached 255, including 102 children in grades K-6 and 17 of their younger siblings. Let us pray for the second part of the FBC to be held in KPCC on Saturday, August 20

3. The newly saved 5th and 6th grade children–At least 18 of them have been baptized over the past two weeks; let us pray:
a. That all the recently saved children would be baptized
b. That all these newly saved ones would have the joy of salvation
c. That they all would receive the proper shepherding in their families and in the church life

4. The Chinese-speaking Perfecting Training being held this week (July 27-31)

5. The young people in the churches in the Northeast and in all of the Lord’s recovery:
a. National young people’s conference in Brazil this week (July 27-31)
b. European young people’s conference in Poland next week (July 31-August 6)
c. Northeast Summer School of Truth beginning next week (August 1-12)

6. The various needs of the saints both locally and in other localities (e.g. physical and emotional, health-related, job-related, family-related, etc.)