Prayer Burdens for July 11, 2023

1. The video training–Thanksgiving to the Lord for His speaking in the semiannual training and prayer for the operation of the word that was released and for the receiving of the word during the remainder of the video training

2. The North America College Training–The two main lines of fellowship in the training will be Love Prevails and Holding to Truth; the total registration for the training is over 2800, including about 30 from NYC

3. All the other summer activities:
a. The Chinese-speaking Perfecting Training
b. The Summer School of Truth
c. The Family Bible Camp

4. Thanksgiving to the Lord for His constant and all-inclusive care for the church in NYC and prayer for the church’s further going on:
a. The burden for the gospel among all the saints
b. The shepherding of all the saints and new ones
c. The strengthening of the practical services in all nine halls of the church
d. The strengthening of the church meetings and small group meetings this week

5. The various needs of the saints both locally and in other localities (e.g. physical and emotional, health-related, job-related, family-related, etc.)