1. The semiannual training being held in Anaheim this week (December 23-28) and all the local video trainings–The general subject is Experiencing, Enjoying, and Expressing Christ (2); let us pray for the Lord’s anointing on the speaking of the messages, the speaking brothers, the preparation of the hearts of the saints to receive the word, the health, travel and protection of all the saints, and the services supporting the training, particularly the audio and visual service, both in Anaheim and in all of the localities carrying out a video training
2. The health and wellbeing of all the elderly saints and the strengthening of their church life
3. The mutual shepherding of the saints of all ages through personal contact, visitation and the home meetings
4. The continued homecoming of many who have not been meeting regularly
5. The strengthening of all the meetings and practical services in all nine halls of the church in NYC this week
6. The various needs of the saints both locally and in other localities (e.g. physical and emotional, health-related, job-related, family-related, etc.)