Prayer Burdens for April 11, 2023

1. Thanksgiving to the Lord for His speaking in the Northeast Spring Highschoolers Conference held this past weekend at Camp Penuel; let us pray for all the young people who attended the conference and for the word of the Lord released during the conference, that it will not return to the Lord vainly, but that it will accomplish what He sent it forth to do (Isa. 55:11)

2. Prayer for the saints’ daily time in the word of God and for the ongoing truth pursuit of the saints, that all the saints would be constituted with the truth and that the church would have the reality of being “the pillar and base of the truth” (1 Tim. 3:15)

3. Prayer for the strengthening of the prayer ministry of the church and for the strengthening of all the prayer meetings

4. The salvation of all the children in grade 5:
a. The ongoing preparation of the hearts of all the fifth graders through the weekly meetings in each hall; citywide there are currently 24 children in our grade 5 children’s meetings (we should also pray for the 10 children in grades 6 and 7 that are not yet saved)
b. The citywide gathering of the children in grade 5 this upcoming Saturday in Hall 8 (this will be the first of a series of gatherings leading up to a gospel meeting later in the semester)

5. The Young Working Saints and Young Families Conference to be held at Camp Penuel over the weekend of April 21-23

6. The Gospel to All the Nations Conference to be held in Brooklyn over the weekend of May 6-7

7. The various needs of the saints both locally and in other localities (e.g. physical and emotional, health-related, job-related, family-related, etc.)