Weekly Newsletter – Issue 133 – June 19, 2022

The Church in New York City


Issue No. 133   June 19, 2022


The Registration for the 2022 Northeast Summer School of Truth
The registration details for the 2022 Northeast Summer School of Truth are as follows:

Lesson Book Level 3: Two Spirits — The Divine Spirit and the Human Spirit


High School (9th to 12th grade in September 2022) – August 1-7
Middle School (7th to 8th grade in September 2022) – August 8-12

LOCATION: Kingston Penuel Christian Center (KPCC) also known as Camp Penuel


RatesAdultCollegeYoung People
High School$395$335$260
Middle School$265$225$175

DEADLINE: Monday, July 18, 2022.

For registration and more information, please visit the website: www.pursuewiththose.org or fellowship with the young people’s serving ones in your district.

Service Office Hours

Service Office hours are available for saints to call in to fellowship or to pray with some serving ones.

Day & Time: Monday through Saturday (except Wednesday), 10:30AM-11:30AM.
Zoom link:  
Meeting ID: 378 512 3114
Passcode: 3131
One tap mobile: +19294362866,, 3785123114#

The burden for holding these office hours is that the hearts of the saints can be comforted and that their souls would be restored.


  • Thanksgiving to the Lord for the salvation of 22 children in grades 5 and 6 in the gospel meeting last Saturday:
    • That they all would have the joy of their
      salvation and the inward witness that they are children of God (Rom. 8:16)
    • That each child would have a genuine
      experience of baptism
    • For the salvation of the children in grade 5 who did not make it to the gospel meeting last Saturday
    • Household salvation
  • The strengthening of the church in NYC:
    • That all the saints would be burdened for the salvation of their friends, relatives, neighbors, co-workers and classmates
    • The strengthening of the church meetings and small group meetings this week
    • The strengthening of all the practical services in the church
  • The Northeast Summer College Training being held at Camp Penuel this week
  • The release of the word in the upcoming July semiannual training
  • The strengthening and spread of the Lord’s testimony in the United States:
    • The ongoing migrations to various cities in the Midwest, Mid Atlantic and Southeast and the strengthening of these churches
    • The Midwest–The Summer School of Truth Teachers’ Training held online this past Saturday and the various Summer Schools of Truth being held throughout the Midwest this week
  • The various needs of the saints both locally and in other localities (e.g. physical and emotional, health-related, job-related, family-related, etc.)


HWMR: Crystallization-Study of 1&2 Samuel
Week 7: David Typifying Christ, the Real David—the King of the Coming Kingdom of God

Portion from Days 2 & 5:

The highest place in the universe is the right hand of God….Christ’s ascension is not merely a matter of His being in a place but of His being in a person, the Father. In His ascension Christ entered into the Father’s being and sat down there. 

In the New Testament we are told that in His ascension Christ has been made by God the Lord, the Christ, the Leader of the entire universe, and the Savior (Acts 2:36; 5:31; 10:36). This concerns Christ’s kingship.  

According to Psalm 110:1, Christ is sitting at God’s right hand until God makes Christ’s enemies His footstool….Christ is on the throne, but He is still in need of a footstool. Thus, God is endeavoring to subdue all of Christ’s enemies and to make them His footstool. Our fighting today is for the subduing of Christ’s enemies. (Life-study of the Psalms, pp. 129-130, 431-433).

David’s house refers to Christ, David’s kingdom refers to Christ’s kingdom, and David’s throne refers to Christ’s throne. The kingdom of David is Christ’s kingdom, and David and Christ have one throne (Isa. 9:7; 16:5; Luke 1:32; Acts 2:29-31). The prophets spoke of David and Christ as one (Jer. 30:9; Ezek. 34:23-24; 37:24-25; Hosea 3:5; Amos 9:11). Christ is the real David (Matt. 12:3-4…). Hence, God’s response to David [in 2 Samuel 7:12] made Christ one with David and with David’s seed. This implies that God’s intention in His economy is to build Himself in Christ into His chosen people, making Him and His people one. God’s intention from eternity to eternity is to make Himself us that we may become Him in life, in nature, and in constitution but not in the Godhead. Eventually, through God’s building work the all-inclusive and all-extensive Christ, the embodiment of the Triune God, becomes every member in the Body of Christ and every person in the new man (1 Cor. 12:12; Col. 3:10-11). In the church, in the Body, and in the new man, Christ is all, and He is in all. (2 Sam. 7:16, footnote 1)

Corporate Reading: “The Orthodoxy of the Church” Ch. 9: Conclusion



We should never think that as soon as one becomes a Christian, he automatically knows how to pray and read the Word. It is not that simple. If a Christian truly touches the key to prayer and reading the Word, he is on his way to enjoying God daily. Let us now consider how to enjoy God through prayer.

Prayer Being to Breathe in God

Prayer is not mainly a matter of coming to God to ask for something. The meaning of prayer is not to ask God to do something for us. The primary significance of prayer is to breathe in God, to absorb God. When we pray, we should not have a motive or intention of asking God to do something for us; rather, our intention should be to breathe in God and absorb Him. Regrettably, many Christians misunderstand the meaning of prayer. They think that we need to pray to God in order to ask for help because there are things that we cannot do. Let me say strongly, this is not prayer. Real prayer has nothing to do with asking God for help.

Simply put, prayer is our spiritual breathing. We all know what it is to breathe. When we breathe out, we exhale the carbon dioxide that is within us. When we breathe in, we inhale the oxygen that is outside of us. This is what happens when we breathe in and breathe out. In prayer we do the same thing—we breathe out what is within us, and we breathe in what is in God. Everything that we have in our natural being can be compared to carbon dioxide, and everything that God is can be compared to oxygen. When we pray, we breathe out everything undesirable, and we breathe in everything of God.

Excerpts from “How to Enjoy God and How to Practice the Enjoyment of God”, Chapter 5: How to Enjoy God in Prayer (Section 1)



Weekly Newsletter – May 30, 2021


  • 2021 International Memorial Day Weekend Conference (continued)

Conference Schedule

Lord’s Table 10:00 AM         Lord’s Day, May 30

Message 4  11:00 AM         Lord’s Day, May 30

Message 5  7:00 PM            Lord’s Day, May 30

Message 6  10:00 AM         Monday, May 31


Conference Zoom Links: https://zoom.us/j/92001843320?pwd=bEVsbmZ6SVBldDNXVFV6RzdnNjFUdz09

Meeting ID: 920 0184 3320

Passcode: 2021

One tap mobile: +19294362866,,92001843320# US (New York)

Dial by your location: +1 929 436 2866 US (New York).


  • The Bible Reading Schedule for the 2021 Semi-Annual July Training


The Bible reading for the Semi-Annual July Training will start from this Tuesday, June 1. The reading schedule can be found on the church website at www.churchinnyc.org.


  • The 2021 Summer School of Truth Teachers’ Training on June 5th, 2021


Parents and all the saints who serve the young people, including the current sixth graders, are encouraged to attend this day of fellowship. Even if you may not be able to participate in this year’s Summer School of Truth, we hope you will attend the Teachers’ Training to join our burden of this year’s Summer School of Truth. We believe this fellowship will help our shepherding of the young people all year round.


Date: Saturday, June 5, 2021

Time: 9:30am – 2:00pm

Location: https://pursuewiththose.org/

Topic: Lesson Book, Level 2: The Triune God—The Triune God and the Person and Work of Christ



Session 1                9:30am – 10:30am

Break                     10:30am – 10:45am

Session 2                10:45am – 11:45am

Lunch Break            11:45am – 1:00pm

Session 3/Parents   1:00pm – 2:00pm



Register: Please use this link: https://tinyurl.com/4bf8znd2 to register for Teachers’ Training.


  • Service Office Hours


Service Office hours are available for saints to call in to fellowship or to pray with some serving ones.


Day & Time: Monday through Saturday (except Wednesday), 11AM-12PM.

Join via Zoom:


Dial-in by Phone: +1 929 205 6099

Meeting ID: 378 512 3114 (Password: 3131)


The burden for holding these office hours is that the hearts of the saints can be comforted and that their souls would be restored.




  • That all the saints would put on “the breastplate of faith and love and a helmet, the hope of salvation” (1 Thes. 5:8) in fighting the spiritual warfare
  • The Memorial Day weekend conference (https://www.churchinnyc.org/announcements/2021-memorial-day-conference/)–The general subject of the conference is Knowing the Truth, Being Absolute for the Truth and Proclaiming the Truth in the Present Evil Age
  • The follow-up of the preaching of the gospel to the children in grade 5–This past Lord’s Day, at least 20 children prayed to receive the Lord. Let us pray:
  1. That each one of them would have the assurance and joy of salvation
  2. For their baptisms
  3. For household salvation in each family
  • All the upcoming summer events:
  1. The semiannual training in July
  2. The Summer College Training
  3. The Chinese-speaking perfecting training
  4. The Summer School of Truth
  5. The Family Bible Camp
  • The small group meetings, the church meetings and all the services in all nine halls of the church this week



HWMR: 2021 The International Chinese-speaking Conference

General Subject: The Intrinsic and Organic Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ


Week 1: The Intrinsic Essence of the Church for Its Organic Existence

Portion from Days 2 & 3:

This released divine life has been imparted into us, the believers of Christ. This took place at the time Christ was resurrected. His resurrection included us (Eph. 2:6). We all were resurrected in Him, with Him, and by Him…. The divine life imparted into us in Christ’s resurrection is the intrinsic essence of the church, the organic Body of Christ.

The church exists in the universe as the one universal church of God for His universal expression, the fullness of God (1 Cor. 10:32; 12:28; Eph. 3:19b). Even the existence of the church is organic. Where the Triune God is, this living, organic church is, because this church is now one with the processed and dispensing Triune God. The church and the processed and dispensing Triune God are not two entities; they have become one entity. It is impossible for such a church to be divided.

The church is spreading in many localities on the earth as many local churches to be His local expressions (Rev. 1:4a, 11). Universally, the church exists in the universe. Locally, this church is expressed in many localities as local churches. To say that all the local expressions should be different from one another is a wrong teaching. This kind of erroneous teaching comes from not seeing that the churches are organic, with an intrinsic essence….In the time of Peter and Paul every local church had the same one intrinsic essence. All the local churches on the earth today also have only one intrinsic essence, so the church cannot be divided, or split.


Corporate Reading: “Truth Messages” Chapter 1: The Pillar and Base of the Truth




The Spirit of Jesus Christ

In Philippians 1:19 Paul refers to the “bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.” The bountiful supply is with the Spirit of Jesus Christ. This Spirit brought Jesus through incarnation and through human living on earth for thirty-three and a half years. The Lord Jesus lived a holy, sinless life for many years by the Spirit within. This same Spirit brought Jesus through death and into resurrection. Then the Spirit of God became the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Through such a long process, the elements of humanity, of human living and suffering, of Christ’s crucifixion, of His resurrection, and even of His ascension have all been compounded with this one Spirit.

The Spirit we have received is not merely the Spirit of God, possessing solely the divine element. The Spirit we Christians have received is the Spirit compounded with divinity, humanity, human living, suffering, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. God is in the Spirit. The uplifted humanity of Jesus and His human living and suffering are also in the Spirit. Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension are all in this one Spirit, so with this Spirit there is the bountiful supply. Paul could suffer persecution and imprisonment because of the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. This supply became his personal and daily salvation. Even in chains and prison he still magnified Christ and lived Christ (vv. 19-21a). He magnified Christ not by his energy or by his own strength but by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ.


–  Excerpts from “The Basic Revelation in the Holy Scriptures”, Chapter 3: The Spirit’s Application (Sections 4~6)

Weekly Newsletter – May 23, 2021



  • 2021 International Memorial Day Weekend Conference (May 28-31)


Conference Schedule

Message 1  7:00 PM            Friday, May 28

Message 2  4:00 PM            Saturday, May 29

Message 3  7:00 PM            Saturday, May 29

Lord’s Table 10:00 AM         Lord’s Day, May 30

Message 4  11:00 AM         Lord’s Day, May 30

Message 5  7:00 PM            Lord’s Day, May 30

Message 6  10:00 AM         Monday, May 31


Conference Zoom Links: https://zoom.us/j/92001843320?pwd=bEVsbmZ6SVBldDNXVFV6RzdnNjFUdz09

Meeting ID: 920 0184 3320

Passcode: 2021

One tap mobile: +19294362866,,92001843320# US (New York)

Dial by your location: +1 929 436 2866 US (New York).


  • The 2021 Summer School of Truth Teachers’ Training on June 5th, 2021


Parents and all the saints who serve the young people, including the current sixth graders, are encouraged to attend this day of fellowship. Even if you may not be able to participate in this year’s Summer School of Truth, we hope you will attend the Teachers’ Training to join our burden of this year’s Summer School of Truth. We believe this fellowship will help our shepherding of the young people all year round.


Date: Saturday, June 5, 2021

Time: 9:30am – 2:00pm

Location: https://pursuewiththose.org/

Topic: Lesson Book, Level 2: The Triune God—The Triune God and the Person and Work of Christ



Session 1                9:30am – 10:30am

Break                     10:30am – 10:45am

Session 2                10:45am – 11:45am

Lunch Break            11:45am – 1:00pm

Session 3/Parents   1:00pm – 2:00pm



Register: Please use this link: https://tinyurl.com/4bf8znd2 to register for Teachers’ Training.


  • Service Office Hours


Service Office hours are available for saints to call in to fellowship or to pray with some serving ones.


Day & Time: Monday through Saturday (except Wednesday), 11AM-12PM.


Join via Zoom:


Dial-in by Phone: +1 929 205 6099

Meeting ID: 378 512 3114 (Password: 3131)


The burden for holding these office hours is that the hearts of the saints can be comforted and that their souls would be restored.




  • The salvation of the children in grade 5; a gospel meeting will be held this Lord’s Day, May 23, for all the children in grade 5
  • The small group meetings, the church meetings and all the services in all nine halls of the church this week
  • All the upcoming summer events:
  1. The semiannual training in July
  2. The Summer College Training
  3. The Chinese-speaking perfecting training
  4. The Summer School of Truth
  5. The Family Bible Camp
  • That the Lord as the Ruler of the kings of the earth (Rev. 1:5) and as the Leader and Savior (Acts 5:31) would exercise His sovereignty over the world situation for the salvation of many and for the accomplishment of His purpose:
  1. In the United States
  2. In Europe and the Middle East, particularly in Israel
  3. In the Far East




HWMR: 2020 December Semiannual Training

Crystallization – Study of Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes


Week 12: Vanity of Vanities, the Reality in Jesus, and the Revelation of the Sons of God


Portion from Days 3 & 6:

When the Lord Jesus lived on earth as a man, in Him there was always the reality. In Jesus, that is, in His human living and His daily walk—whether He worked as a carpenter or carried out His ministry—there was the reality at all times. In order to understand the reality expressed in the living of Jesus as a man on earth, we need to read verse 17, where Paul exhorts the believers to “no longer walk as the Gentiles also walk in the vanity of their mind.” Here we see a contrast between the reality in Jesus and the vanity of the Gentiles’ mind. In the human living of Jesus there was no vanity but only the reality; however, in our godless society there is nothing but vanity of vanities.

Although we are the sons of God, we are veiled, not yet revealed. When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He was the Son of God, but He was veiled by His human flesh. One day on the mountain He was unveiled and revealed (Matt. 17:1-2). It is the same with us. Although we are sons of God, yet we are under a veil. One day this veil will be removed—that will be our glorification…. Then the whole universe will behold the sons of God.

Creation’s only hope is to be freed from this slavery of corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God when the sons of God are revealed…. At the time of the revelation of this kingdom the whole creation will be liberated. The creation is eagerly expecting and anxiously watching for this kingdom to come. The universe is groaning and travailing in birth awaiting the revelation of the sons of God. Furthermore, we ourselves, “who have the firstfruits of the Spirit,” also groan as we expect sonship, the redemption of our body.


Corporate Reading: “The Basic Revelation in the Holy Scriptures” Chapter 11: The New Jerusalem – The Ultimate Consummation (4)




The Compound Spirit

By all these we can realize that this compound ointment should be an all-inclusive type of the compound Spirit referred to in John 7:39. This means that the Spirit of God, as the basic element, has been compounded with Christ’s deity, humanity, death, and resurrection as the spices. In this compound Spirit are the unique God, the Trinity, man, the creature, Christ’s death, the sweetness and effectiveness of His death, Christ’s resurrection, and the power of His resurrection.

The Spirit was first the Spirit of God, possessing only the divine essence. But after God in the Son became a man and died on the cross, passing through death and resurrection and entering into ascension, the Spirit became the Spirit of Jesus Christ (Phil. 1:19), compounded with God’s essence and Jesus’ humanity and His death and resurrection. The Spirit no longer has just the divine essence, but now has, in addition, Jesus’ humanity with the death of Christ, the effectiveness of His death, the resurrection, and the power of His resurrection.

Christ is Christ, and you are you; and His death is not yours unless you are joined to Him organically by the Spirit. In the compound Spirit there are the elements of Christ’s death and its effectiveness, typified by myrrh and cinnamon. When we are in the Spirit, the compound Spirit, we do not need to reckon ourselves dead, because in the Spirit there is the element of Christ’s death.


–  Excerpts from “The Basic Revelation in the Holy Scriptures”, Chapter 3: The Spirit’s Application (Section 3)