The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus

Summary of Citywide Children’s Meeting
Regarding Lessons on The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus.

March 17, 2024

The Preparation for His Coming

  • For all the lessons in this series about the Lord Jesus, please be careful with craft ideas and fellowship about them with other serving ones. Specifically, avoid using crafts that have art images of the Lord Jesus, inaccurate depictions such as “three” magi (the Bible does not tell us the number of wise men), things with halos (like a halo over baby Jesus which is not Biblical), and Christmas-themed crafts that are not according to the Bible.
  • The focus of this lesson is preparing our hearts for the Lord and things related to the Lord.
  • We can go over the definitions provided in the lesson, including “prophecies” since the children may not be familiar with those terms.
  • The lesson talks about monetary offering, and while it is okay to mention, the children should never feel pressured. Nor is this something they must do weekly. If the Lord leads, we can just present the principle, that whenever we have some money, it is good to consider setting apart and offering some for the Lord. For example, some children get an allowance, or some money for doing extra work, or money for a special occasion. They can offer some willingly to the Lord.
  • Other ways children can be prepared is going to bed on time the night before going to the meeting, preparing their clothing, memorizing their verses. They can also consider going to the bathroom before going to the meeting so they don’t interrupt the singing time or lesson time.
  • Children can also help prepare for guests coming to their homes. Some parents have home meetings or provide hospitality. The children can help by cleaning up, setting the table, and preparing their parents with meals.
  • Just as we prepare for going to school, we can also prepare for children’s meeting.
  • Craft idea: using colorful strips of paper to weave through a heart-shape on construction paper.

March 24, 2024

The Announcement of His Birth

  • For all the lessons in this series about the Lord Jesus, please be careful with craft ideas and fellowship about them with other serving ones. Specifically, avoid using crafts that have art images of the Lord Jesus, inaccurate depictions such as “three” magi (the Bible does not tell us the number of wise men), things with halos (like a halo over baby Jesus which is not Biblical), and Christmas-themed crafts that are not according to the Bible.
  • If the children ask about what a “virgin” is, we can simply define it as a woman who is “pure” and that Mary had never been together with a man in the way of marrying him. We don’t need to give the children too many details, only as much as is needed. Back in those times, it was unusual and very uncommon for a woman to be pregnant if she wasn’t married.
  • We can refer back to the first lesson defining “prophecies” and make a list of prophecies in the Bible that are fulfilled while covering these lessons. 
  • As it was prophesied that John the Baptist would prepare the way of the Lord, it was also prophesied about the coming of the Lord Jesus.
  • Mary’s praise was full of the Word of God. The children should know the Word of God.
  • We memorize verses and sing songs based on the Word of God so that we can get God’s Word into our hearts. The children may wonder sometimes why we repeat memory verses. It’s good to know the Word of God well, like Mary did.
  • Craft idea: to be posted

April 7, 2024

The Birth of Our Savior

  • For all the lessons in this series about the Lord Jesus, please be careful with craft ideas and fellowship about them with other serving ones. Specifically, avoid using crafts that have art images of the Lord Jesus, inaccurate depictions such as “three” magi (the Bible does not tell us the number of wise men), things with halos (like a halo over baby Jesus which is not Biblical), and Christmas-themed crafts that are not according to the Bible.
  • Instead of the approach about holding a baby (many of the children may not have ever held a baby), we can ask them to write down on a piece of paper: What do you think is the greatest thing that ever happened among humans/mankind? Some might write about an invention, or man landing on the moon, or even the latest technology.
  • We can help impress them that the greatest happening was that God became a man.
  • While telling the story, we can inoculate them with the truth in the Bible (and against Christmas-type inaccuracies) by telling them the facts. For example, Joseph and Mary had to travel a long distance. The sheep were out with the shepherds. It was unlikely that Christ was born in the winter.
  • The angels realized that it was a wonderful, miraculous event that God became a man.
  • God is so great, but when He he came as a man, there was no place given to him Him on earth. He was born in a manger.
  • We need to make room for Him in our hearts. Example of a glass container with little things and special items plus attempting to fit in The New Testament is a good visual example of how we need to make room in our hearts for the Lord Jesus.
  • Craft idea: to be posted
  • Craft idea: Heart shaped word search puzzle

April 14, 2024

The Visit of the Wise Men and the Lord’s Flight Into Egypt

  • For all the lessons in this series about the Lord Jesus, please be careful with craft ideas and fellowship about them with other serving ones. Specifically, avoid using crafts that have art images of the Lord Jesus, inaccurate depictions such as “three” magi (the Bible does not tell us the number of wise men), things with halos (like a halo over baby Jesus which is not Biblical), and Christmas-themed crafts that are not according to the Bible.
  • Since the prior three lessons all talk about memorizing verses from the Word of God, we should be careful about not overly-repeating to the extent that children don’t appreciate it anymore. Memorizing and singing the children’s meeting songs is also a good way to get God’s word into our heart.
  • The children should have a respect for things related to the Lord. For example, when parents or other children are praying, we should be careful not to interrupt. 
  • We can point out that the wise men put in a lot of effort to come to the Lord Jesus.
  • There were others who were supposed to be experts in the Scriptures, the Word of God, yet they did not have a seeking heart.
  • To have a seeking heart is super important. 
  • As an inoculation especially for the older children, we can point out that sometimes people ask questions (like Herod) that are from an evil heart and intended to challenge God. But we want to have a genuine heart (like the wise men) that seeks God and seeks to know and love God.
  • We can continue listing the prophecies that have been fulfilled in the Old Testament as we cover these lessons.

April 21, 2024

His Visit to Jerusalem at Twelve Years Old

  • For all the lessons in this series about the Lord Jesus, please be careful with craft ideas and fellowship about them with other serving ones. Specifically, avoid using crafts that have art images of the Lord Jesus and inaccurate depictions.
  • Previous lessons, and this one too, mention clearly that God became a man – Jesus. Most of the lesson, however, focuses on His humanity. Even though Jesus was God who became a man, He grew in a normal, balanced way (not in a superhuman way as some children might imagine).
  • One major reference to the Lord Jesus’ deity is in His reply to His parents when they found him at the temple: “…Did you not know that I must be in the things of my Father?” Luke 2:49b
  • This is all that is recorded in the Bible about Jesus’ young life. It is clear that He obeyed His parents.
  • Suggested craft: Create a caravan by making origami box/wagons or camels or a combination.

April 21, 2024

His Baptism

  • For all the lessons in this series about the Lord Jesus, please be careful with craft ideas and fellowship about them with other serving ones. Specifically, avoid using crafts that have art images of the Lord Jesus and inaccurate depictions.
  • You may want to begin the lesson by reminding the children what we covered about John the Baptist previously (5 weeks ago). In that lesson the children learned that John had been sent to “prepare the way of the Lord and make straight His paths.” The first section of this lesson explains how John actually did that, telling people to repent, confess their sins and be baptized.
  • Even though Jesus is God, He still needed to be baptized. He told John, “Permit it for now…to fulfill all righteousness.” Jesus came to John as a man. He was an example for us. Jesus’ aim was to please God. He did what His father wanted him to do. The result of His baptism was a strong testimony to all around that He is the Son of God. The Father clearly approved of His baptism.
  • If the children ask questions about the Triune God, try to keep the answer simple and age appropriate. We can remind them that there is only one God, but the Bible also tells us He is the Father, the Son and the Spirit. Jesus was not only God but also man. We can also say that God is mysterious and we cannot understand everything about Him.
  • Suggested craft: make a paper megaphone, add a verse or “repent and be baptized” on the template. (Of course, John the Baptist did not use a megaphone, but the craft is to represent announcing something important.)

May 5, 2024

His Temptation in the Wilderness (first half)

  • For all the lessons in this series about the Lord Jesus, please be careful with craft ideas and fellowship about them with other serving ones. Specifically, avoid using crafts that have art images of the Lord Jesus and inaccurate depictions.
  • We will cover this lesson in two weeks, not because it is a long lesson, but because the topic should provide many opportunities for the children to contribute with their own experiences, thoughts and questions. This should help us know them better.    
  • This is a foundational story about the Lord Jesus. Many Christians and non-Christians alike are familiar with this account.
  • This week we will cover the definitions plus the first temptation.
  • You may want to ask the children for a definition of and examples of temptation in order to get an idea of where they are at. The children may answer with age appropriate examples. Do not use examples of temptations that the children don’t bring up themselves. There is no need to put ideas of sins or temptations into their head that they do not have.
  • The Lord Jesus overcame the devil by the Word of God!
  • Cover the first two applications this week.
  • For both weeks, you may want to reference the Lord’s Prayer lessons on Not Being Brought Into Temptation to equip yourself with how to respond to the various responses of the children.
  • Suggested craft: make a mini Bible with memory verses printed on an 8 page zine template (special folding of 8.5×11 to create a mini booklet)

May 12, 2024

His Temptation in the Wilderness (2nd half)

  • For all the lessons in this series about the Lord Jesus, please be careful with craft ideas and fellowship about them with other serving ones. Specifically, avoid using crafts that have art images of the Lord Jesus and inaccurate depictions.
  • We are covering the second half of the same lesson. This week we will cover the 2nd and 3rd temptations, and the 3rd and 4th applications (also reiterate 2nd application).
  • As with the lesson last week, you may want to ask the children for examples of temptations (age appropriate) that they go through. Avoid bringing up ideas of sins and temptations that they have not experienced. 
  • For both weeks, you may want to reference the Lord’s Prayer lessons on Not Being Brought Into Temptation to equip yourself with how to respond to the various responses of the children.
  • Suggested craft: Make a heart shaped booklet with memory verses or children’s songs. Print verses/songs on heart shapes, cut out heart shapes, fold in half and staple in the center.

May 19, 2024

The First Miracle of Jesus

  • For all the lessons in this series about the Lord Jesus, please be careful with craft ideas and fellowship about them with other serving ones. Specifically, avoid using crafts that have art images of the Lord Jesus and inaccurate depictions.
  • Applications do not have to be too spiritual for the children.
  • Introduce the Lord Jesus is grown up now and beginning His ministry (define ministry as beginning His service). Explain that this is the first miracle and the next few lessons will be on miracles that the Lord Jesus performed. The Lord Jesus did a lot of special things to help people.
  • Focus on the story and facts, as this will already be interesting to the children. Possible applications can include having a really good singing time at children’s meeting or at the citywide meetings, as we carry that joy with us once we leave and can sing the songs during the week. Another application is to obey, just as the servants obeyed what the Lord Jesus instructed them to do. 
  • Craft suggestion: use construction paper to cut out six water pots and use wine-colors to illustrate turning water into wine; for a fun activity, children can also mold six water pots out of modeling clay.

May 26, 2024

The Samaritan Woman Meets Jesus

  • For all the lessons in this series about the Lord Jesus, please be careful with craft ideas and fellowship about them with other serving ones. Specifically, avoid using crafts that have art images of the Lord Jesus and inaccurate depictions.
  • Craft idea: Make a 3-D well or water pot out of toilet paper tube or other craft materials.

June 2, 2024

JESUS MEETS MAN’S NEEDS: The Healing of the Royal Official’s Son

  • God’s Word is trustworthy and reliable. 
  • Craft idea: Make a speech bubble and have the children write Jesus’ words, “Go, your son lives” and have the children draw a picture of a boy feeling sick and then feeling better. (Avoid art images of the Lord Jesus and inaccurate depictions.)

June 9, 2024

JESUS MEETS MAN’S NEEDS: The Healing of the Sick Man by the Pool

  • Focus on the facts of the story. There is a lot of interesting content already, so you can consider with the other serving ones whether there is a need to cover applications or not. 
  • One way to help visualize this lesson is to bring some water in a pan to represent a pool and stir the water. 
  • Craft idea: Use plastic wrap or blue tissue paper to represent water. Glue onto a construction paper, and build a pool out of popsicle sticks. Draw a sick man lying down by the pool.

June 16, 2024

Nicodemus and New Life (Part 1 and Part 2)

  • We will cover this lesson in one week (NOT split into two), Focus on the first two applications.
  • No need to cover III. The Need to Receive Another Life. 
  • No need to cover the last application We Need to Receive God’s Life, which relates to salvation.
  • Use the 2015 version (one week) rather than the 2020 version which was divided into Part 1 and Part 2 (taught on Zoom).
  • Point out the different kingdoms of life, e.g., plant life vs. animal life vs. human life.
  • God’s creation is beautiful, wonderful, full of different kinds of life. What is the highest life? God’s life. We all enjoy God’s creation, and in God’s creation, we can see different levels of life. Help the children compare different types of life, and their characteristics. 
  • When the Lord Jesus was talking to a very educated man who was seeking God, Jesus told this one that he needed another life, the highest life. This man’s name was Nicodemus.
  • No need to cover all the characteristics of Nicodemus in the lesson, since some of the characteristics are not specifically mentioned in the Bible. Just focus on the level of life to give the children an understanding that God’s life is the highest life.
  • Craft idea: Create a collage of pictures of different types of life from God’s creation. Add “God’s life is the highest life.”

June 23, 2024 – Citywide Gathering

JESUS MEETS MAN’S NEEDS: The Feeding of the Five Thousand

  • This is a good lesson for the citywide gathering because we can demonstrate with the large number of children how the Lord and His disciples organized the crowd as He fed them.
  • Bring visuals to engage the children. While we do not need to do a full “skit”, we can have serving ones narrate and have interactions with the children to demonstrate. Some of the young people could have large name tags identifying them as one of the twelve disciples.
  • We don’t have to physically group all the children to demonstrate, but one way to show groups of 50s and 100s is to have them stand up and count off 1-10, etc. until they get to 50.
  • YP = disciples names
  • Give one little boy in the group cutouts of five barley loaves and two fish. He was not selfish, but gave his portion and did not run away.
  • Give thanks prayer before snack.
  • Include the applications in the Bible story while telling the story.
  • Suggested Songs: 

June 30, 2024

Who is Without Sin?

  • Use the simple definition of adultery in the lesson. This lesson has been written in a way to use age-appropriate language.
  • Only the Lord has no sin, yet he was forgiving and not condemning (publicly disapproving someone). 
  • Some children may ask what “religious people” means. We can just say that the religious people in this Bible story were people who were proud and thought they knew more than others about God. They wanted to trick Jesus.

July 7, 2024

The Healing of the Blind Man

  • There is a lot of dialogue from the Bible in this lesson. In order to help engage the children, one suggestion is to print out the dialogue and highlight the lines in different colors (Pharisees speaking, the Lord Jesus speaking, and the blind man speaking). Groups of children can read the colored highlighting together, depending on which role they are playing. 
  • We need to have a soft, believing heart, especially believing God’s Word. We may hear contradictory things in school and from others (even our school teachers) that are different than what our parents tell us, and different from what our serving ones tell us. We need to have a soft heart and believe God’s Word. 
  • We suggest skipping the third application about “inward blindness” as this may be too abstract for the children.