Northeast Spanish-speaking Conference, March 13-15

Please note that this conference has been cancelled. (3/12/2020)

Spanish-speaking Conference for the Churches in the Northeast
DATE: March 13-15, 2020
PLACE: KPCC, Camp Penuel

Greetings.  We would like to announce a Spanish-speaking conference for the churches in the Northeast to be held over the weekend of March 13-15, 2020 at the Kingston Penuel Christian Center (KPCC, also known as Camp Penuel).  We have attached an invitation letter containing the details related to registration, as well as a copy of the registration form.  Both files are provided in English and in Spanish.  The deadline for registration is Lord’s Day, March 1.  We hope that many Spanish-speaking saints from the churches throughout the Northeast and Eastern Canada would be able to join us for this time.

If you have any questions or concerns related to this conference, please contact us at  Grace be with you all.