Citywide Senior Saints’ Conference
Saturday, November 19, 2022
We will have our first Citywide Senior Saints’ Conference at the Jamaica Estates meeting hall (Hall 1) beginning at 10:00 AM on Saturday, November 19. We hope the elderly saints among us can make it in person for this special gathering, but we will also have a Zoom link for those who cannot come in person. We will begin with a special word of fellowship and have a time for testimonies and presentations specific to the saints in this age group. Translation will be provided in Chinese, Spanish, and Korean using FM radios (for those meeting in person) and using Zoom Interpretation (for those on Zoom).
We are blessed in the church in New York City to have so many saints in this particular age group and we expect a large number of participants to be from among those actively meeting, even for many decades, in the church here. However, this special conference may also be a good opportunity for saints to invite their friends and relatives in this age group who may not be active in the church life as a way to shepherd them in the gospel or in their Christian life and church life.
We will have a special lunch from 12:00 – 1:30 PM. Family members or care-givers are welcome to come and stay for all the meetings and the lunch time. We also welcome any saints who would like to come to serve and support this special gathering.
May the Lord bless this gathering and encourage all the senior saints among us and also encourage the whole church in our going on together. Grace to you all.
Senior Saints’ Conference Schedule
Saturday, November 19, 2022
10:00 – 11:30 AM | Special Fellowship, Testimonies and Presentations |
11:30 – 12:00 PM | Break (and group picture time!) |
12:00 – 01:30 PM | Lunch |