Prayer Burdens for October 3, 2023

1. The International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones (ITERO) to be held in Manila, Philippines later this week–The general subject of the messages will be Living and Serving According to God’s Economy concerning the Church; let us pray for the release of the Lord’s speaking during the training, for all the speaking brothers as well as all the attendees, for the health, safety and travel of all the brothers, for the Lord’s covering of all the practical services related to the training, particularly the audio and video service, and for the all the trainings being held remotely via video in so many churches throughout the earth, including NYC

2. Thanksgiving to the Lord for His blessing and His speaking in the Northeast High School Juniors & Seniors Retreat and in the Fall College Retreat, both held this past weekend–Let us pray for the further operation of the Lord’s word in the hearts of all the young people and that the Spirit of reality would guide each of the young ones into the reality of all that they heard

3. Let us pray for the preservation of all the children in the church in the midst of this dark age and for their preparation to be vessels for the Lord; let us pray for all the parents to have the wisdom to “nurture them in the discipline and admonition of the Lord” (Eph. 6:4) and that there would be an atmosphere of love in every home

4. The strengthening of all the church meetings, the small group meetings and the practical services in each hall this week

5. Gospel trips in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria (October 8-22)–The saints in the recovery are invited to join the campus labor at the beginning of the university year in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria; let us pray that the Lord will gain many students in these three countries as remaining fruit and for the spread of the Lord’s testimony in these countries through the gospel trips

6. The various needs of the saints both locally and in other localities (e.g. physical and emotional, health-related, job-related, family-related, etc.)