Citywide Gathering of the Church in NYC
on Lord’s Day, June 25
There will be a citywide gathering of the church in NYC on Lord’s Day, June 25, 2023 at Hall 1 (Jamaica Estates). Saints will also gather at Hall 3 (Flushing) as a Chinese-speaking satellite location. A Zoom meeting will be available for those who cannot attend in person. Translation will be provided in Chinese, Spanish, and Korean both in Hall 1 and in the Zoom meeting. Lunch will be provided after the meeting so please plan to stay and blend with the saints!
Children and Young People
In Hall 1, Children’s Service (Pre-K and grades K to 5) will begin at 10am. Please use the entrance to the lower level using the ramp to the underground parking garage. The young people (grades 6-12) will not have a separate meeting and will stay in the main meeting after the Lord’s Table.
Parking and Transportation
The underground parking garage at Hall 1 will be closed to vehicles. There should be ample parking in the neighborhood around 188th Street. There will also be a shuttle service from the F-train 179th Street Station between 9:30 and 10:00 AM.
Citywide Gathering Schedule
Lord’s Day, June 25, 2023
10:00 – 11:00 AM | Lord’s Table |
11:00 – 12:15 PM | Special Fellowship |
12:15 PM | Lunch |
Meeting Hall Location
Hall 1 in Jamaica Estates
87-60 Chevy Chase Street
Jamaica Estates, NY 11432
Meeting will be in English with translation
into Chinese, Spanish, Korean
Hall 3 in Flushing
157-17 Rose Avenue
Flushing, NY 11355
Meeting will be in Chinese