Prayer Burdens for May 9, 2023

1. Thanksgiving to the Lord for answering the prayers of the church for the Gospel to All the Nations Conference by blessing the conference with His presence and His speaking; let us pray that all the new ones who attended will continue to enjoy Christ as the tree of life and receive the proper shepherding wherever they are (new ones attended not only from throughout NYC but also from Washington, DC, Fairborn, OH, Las Vegas, NV and Rwanda)

2. The Northeast Spring Middle Schoolers’ Conference to be held at Camp Penuel this upcoming weekend; the general subject of the conference will be The Bible–The Word of God

3. The salvation of all the children in grade 5–The ongoing preparation of the hearts of all the fifth graders through the weekly meetings in each hall and the upcoming citywide gatherings

4. The strengthening of the small group meetings, the church meetings and all the practical services this week in all nine halls

5. The Lord’s move in Europe–The strengthening of the churches in Italy and the international conference being held this upcoming weekend in Milan

6. The International Memorial Day Blending Conference being held in Chicago, IL over the weekend of May 26-29

7. The various needs of the saints both locally and in other localities (e.g. physical and emotional, health-related, job-related, family-related, etc.)