Prayer Burdens for February 14, 2023

1. That all the saints would enjoy the Word of God daily and be constituted with the truth so that the church in NYC would shine brightly as a golden lampstand and bear the Lord’s testimony as the pillar and base of the truth

2. The burden for the gospel:
a. The follow-up to all the gospel labor of the FTTA trainees from these past two weeks in NYC, in Upstate NY and in New Jersey, as well as in the rest of North America and in Europe
b. The gospel meeting on Friday, February 24, which will be held online in the Crucial Truths of the Bible meeting
3. The International Chinese-speaking Conference (ICSC) to be held in Anaheim, CA this upcoming weekend and viewed online locally

4. The Winter Retreat for all the young people in the church in NYC which will be held in Camp Penuel beginning this upcoming Lord’s Day, February 19

5. The strengthening of the church meetings and small group meetings this week, as well as all the practical services in all nine halls

6. The various needs of the saints both locally and in other localities (e.g. physical and emotional, health-related, job-related, family-related, etc.)