Prayer Burdens for January 25, 2022

1. The going on of the church in NYC in 2022 and the citywide church gathering this upcoming Lord’s Day, January 30:

a. That all the saints would be rekindled in their love for the Lord and their consecration to Him (2 Tim. 1:6; Matt. 22:37)
b. The mutual shepherding of all the saints of all ages (e.g. the young people, the college-age saints, the young adults and young couples, the middle-age saints and the elderly saints) through personal contact, visitation and the home meetings
c. The continued homecoming of many who have not been meeting regularly
d. The burden for the gospel among the saints of all ages and language backgrounds
e. That the saints in all nine halls would have a fresh vision and burden for all the practical services
f. The services with the children and young people in all nine halls
g. The strengthening of the church meetings and small group meetings
h. The citywide church gathering this coming Lord’s Day

2. The saints on the Upper West Side (Hall 6) as they prepare for the beginning of the use of their new hall on February 6

3. The Lord’s move in South America–The continuation and conclusion this week of Summer Schools of Truth being carried out in various countries throughout the continent, such as Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Bolivia

4. The various needs of the saints both locally and in other localities (e.g. physical and emotional, health-related, job-related, family-related, etc.)