Parents & Serving Ones Conference – Feb. 1, 2020

DATE: February 1, 2020
PLACE: Hall 1 of the church in NYC

Audio and Video recordings of the three sessions

8:30-9:30am Light breakfast
9:30-11:00am Session 1
11:00-11:30am Break
11:30am-1:00pm Session 2
1:00-2:00 Lunch
2:00-3:30pm Session 3

We encourage all the parents and serving ones of the children and young people (including college students) to attend, as well as any saints who are burdened for the next generation in the church life. On that day there will be much fellowship regarding having a family life for the church life and the church life in every household, which is one of the banners for the church in NYC this year. Please pray for this gathering.

Hall 1 is located at 87-60 Chevy Chase Street, Jamaica Estates, NY 11432.