Corporate Reading – The Economy of God and the Mystery of the Transmission of the Divine Trinity,

The Economy of God and the Mystery of the Transmission of the Divine Trinity

by Witness Lee

We will continue our corporate reading of the ministry with our 26th book, The Economy of God and the Mystery of the Transmission of the Divine Trinity, beginning on December 12, 2022. Links to the reading can be found below.

The book can also be read online at or a printed copy can be purchased online

The Economy of God and the Mystery of the Transmission of the Divine Trinity

Table of Contents

  1. Preface
  2. Knowing the Economy of God
  3. Concerning the Economy of God
  4. Four Great Matters in the Bible
  5. The Truth of the Mystery in the Gospel of John (1)
  6. The Truth of the Mystery in the Gospel of John (2)
  7. The Truth of the Mystery in the Gospel of John (3)
  8. The Divine Dispensing in the Book of Ephesians
  9. The Mystery of the Divine Trinity in the Gospel of Matthew
  10. Learning Our Spiritual Experiences in the Dispensing of the Divine Trinity
  11. Being a Living Witness of the Lord
  12. Becoming a Useful Vessel in the Lord’s Hand (1)
  13. Becoming a Useful Vessel in the Lord’s Hand (2)


This section is composed of messages given by Brother Witness Lee from March through June of 1986 in the full-time training in Taipei, Taiwan.

The first three chapters give a general discussion of four great matters in the Bible: the economy of God, the dispensing of God, the union of God with His believers, and the corporate expression of God. The subsequent chapters go on to explain the profound truths and the experience of life related to these four great matters according to the book of Ephesians, the Gospel of John, and the Gospel of Matthew. Following this, the book proceeds to offer guidance to all those who have a heart to serve the Lord full time concerning the building up of themselves in the matters of life, truth, character, learning languages, knowing the church, living a healthy life, and managing personal finances as living witnesses of the Lord so that they may become useful vessels in the Lord’s hands.

Although this series of messages was released in the full-time training, the speaking concerning the economy of God and the mystery of the transmission of the Divine Trinity, as well as the words of earnest instruction to the full-time serving ones concerning life, truth, character, living, and finances, are topics and lessons intimately related to all the children of God today. Hence, this book is necessary reading for all of us.

The Editorial Section Taiwan Gospel Book Room August 20, 1998

Recent Postings

(All readings for the week will be posted on Mondays.)

Past Corporate Reading Books

No. Start Date Book Title
1 Dec 12, 2022 The Economy of God and the Mystery of the Transmission of the Divine Trinity
2 Oct 3, 2022 The Meaning of Human Life and a Proper Consecration
3 Jun 27, 2022 The Tree of Life
4 Apr 18, 2022 The Orthodoxy of the Church
5 Nov 29, 2021 How to Enjoy God and How to Practice the Enjoyment of God
6 Jul 26, 2021 The History of God in His Union with Man
7 May 31, 2021 Truth Messages
8 Feb 8, 2021 The Basic Revelation in the Holy Scriptures
9 December 7, 2020 The Mystery of Christ
10 August 17, 2020 The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
11 May 27, 2020 The Overcoming Life
12 December 23, 2019 The Christian Life
13 July 1, 2019 The Experience of Christ
14 April 15, 2019 To Serve in the Human Spirit
15 February 25, 2019 The Prayer Ministry of the Church
16 November 19, 2018 How to Enjoy God and How to Practice the Enjoyment of God
17 October 7, 2018 The Pure in Heart
18 September 10, 2018 The Jubilee
19 June 4, 2018 The Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and the Offerings in the Writings of John
20 February 5, 2018 Christ as the Reality
21 December 4, 2017 Rising Up to Preach the Gospel
22 August 21, 2017 The History of the Church and the Local Churches
23 July 24, 2017 The Bridge and Channel of God
24 June 5, 2017 The Heavenly Vision
25 March 13, 2017 The Crucial Revelation of Life in the Scriptures
26 January 23, 2017 Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel–The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery

Crystallization-Study of 1 and 2 Kings – Week 11

Morning Watch —  December 12 – December 18, 2022

Apostasy, the High Places, and the Recovery of the Genuine Ground of Oneness

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PDF: ENGLISH 中文 Español 한국어


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Purchase Electronic Version of The Holy Word for Morning Revival – Crystallization-study of 1 and 2 Kings, Vol. 02: Amazon Kindle  /  Google Play Books  /  Apple Books

Corporate Reading: The Economy of God and the Mystery of the Transmission of the Divine Trinity, chapter 1, section(s):
Knowing the Economy of God
Pursuing Life
Pursuing Truth
Pursuing the Filling of the Holy Spirit
Pursuing Character Training
Pursuing the Knowledge of God’s Eternal Economy

二零二二年 12 月半年度训练录影训练

二零二二年 12 月半年度训练录影训练

12 月 29 日 至 2023 年 1 月 8 日

历代志上、 下,以斯拉记,尼希米记,以斯帖记结晶读经

二零二二年 12 月半年度录影训练(历代志上、 下,以斯拉记,尼希米记,以斯帖记结晶读经)将在线上进行。


报名 录影训练

二零二二年 12 月半年度训练录影训练 时间表

12 月 29 日 (周四)晚上 7 点半第一篇 
12 月 30 日 (周五)晚上 7 点半第二篇 
12 月 31 日 (周六)上午 10 点第三篇 
下午 4 点第四篇 
晚上 7 点第五篇 
1 月 1 日 (主日)上午 10 点擘饼聚会
1 月 2 日 (周一)晚上 7 点半第七篇 
1 月 6 日 (周五)晚上 7 点半第八篇 
1 月 7 日 (周六)上午 10 点第九篇 
下午 4 点第十篇 
晚上 7 点第十一篇 
1 月 8 日 (主日)上午 10 点擘饼聚会 

请注意:在训练时间的两个主日,圣徒们可以于上午 10 点参加所在会所的擘饼聚会,然后于 11 点一起来参加线上的公开聚会。

Zoom 聚会信息


1 月 4 日 (周三)晚上 7 点半第一、二篇
1 月 5 日 (周四)晚上 7 点半第三、四篇
1 月 9 日 (周一)晚上 7 点半 第五、六篇
1 月 11 日 (周三)晚上 7 点半第七、八篇
1 月 12 日 (周四)晚上 7 点半第九、十篇
1 月 14 日 (周六)晚上 7 点半第十一、十二篇

Zoom 复习/研读信息


信息 信息标题 研读问题
1 神在人历史中的行动,为着完成祂永远的经纶 简体中文 繁体中文
2 从被掳到巴比伦归回之后,在美地上生活极重要的方面 简体中文 繁体中文
3 重建神的坛—燔祭坛 简体中文 繁体中文
4 借着神的申言者神圣的鼓励,恢复神殿的建造 简体中文 繁体中文
5 祭司经学家以斯拉,以及需要许多以斯拉—精通神话语的人 简体中文 繁体中文
6 洁净被掳归回之人的内在意义人 简体中文 繁体中文
7 尼希米—对神有时代价值之人的榜样 简体中文 繁体中文
8 建造城墙,以保护作为神殿的召会 简体中文 繁体中文
9 建造与争战—为着召会的建造,需要从事属灵的争战 简体中文 繁体中文
10 以斯拉记和尼希米记这两卷恢复的书中心并重要 简体中文 繁体中文

二零二二年七月半年度训练列王纪结晶读经 第十一周 背道、邱坛、以及恢复真正一的立场

晨更经节 —  12 月 12 日 – 12 月 18 日

第十一周 背道、邱坛、以及恢复真正一的立场

晨更经节: DOC PDF
晨更经节扩大版: DOC PDF

每日晨更经节周一      周二      周三      周四      周五      周六      主日

The Economy of God and the Mystery of the Transmission of the Divine Trinity, Chap 1, Section 3 of 3

The Way for God to Break Us

Marriage is God’s ordination. If a man or a woman is still not married after having passed the right age for marriage, there is great pressure upon them. Yet after they are married, their spouse also becomes a pressure. Without having to learn, every husband knows by nature how to wear down his wife. Likewise, without having to learn, every wife knows by nature how to give her husband a hard time. Someone may be altogether unmanageable, but once he sees his wife, he becomes just like a mouse coming face to face with a cat. Marriage life is a consuming life. Being married and yet not being consumed is an impossibility. Why are there divorces? It is because some people give up on marriage life, unable to endure the sufferings any longer. Sixty years ago when I was still young, an older person told me that marriage life is a “yoke.” As soon as a person gets married, he is “yoked” and “shackled.” Then, is marriage good or bad? Actually, marriage is very good because it is sovereignly [330] arranged by God for our transformation. It is impossible to be transformed without first being ground.

The same is true in the matter of bearing children. If a woman has no child after she has been married three years, she is under a great deal of pressure to have children. However, once she gives birth to a child, the child becomes an additional pressure. A certain sister may be very difficult to deal with. Before she is married, her parents do not know how to deal with her, and after she is married, her husband does not know how to deal with her either. However, after she gives birth to a difficult child, she will be consumed and softened. Regardless of how strong or stubborn you are, God has a way to break you and transform you. After seeing others being worn down by their children, a sister once said, “I do not believe it is that hard. Wait till I have a child; I will discipline him and make him an obedient child.” Eventually, after having her own child, she was even more helpless than the others. You can call the police when your house has been burglarized. However, if your children are disobedient, do you also call the police? No! You are afraid even to tell your neighbors or relatives. Our children are the most capable of wearing us out. The wives who wear out their husbands and the husbands who wear out their wives are not as skillful as the children who wear out their parents. The children’s skillful wearing-out tactics really consume the parents.

Hence, from this viewpoint, character is not cultivated by having a strong will or by ill-treating the body. Rather, character is the issue of transformation in our pursuing of the Lord. Because we love the Lord, God arranges our marriage and our family in such a way so that we can be broken and be transformed.

Furthermore, the church life with all the brothers and sisters also consumes us. As humans, we have to be Christians; if we are not, we will end up in the lake of fire. However, after we become Christians, we have to live the church life. Many people acknowledge that in the church life we experience five flavors—sweet, sour, bitter, pungent, and salty—which are all for our breaking and termination. If we are still not broken, there will be high heat and great pressure to grind and crush us. Sometimes the elders grind us every day just like millstones. While the unbelievers only have a human family, we have two families: a human family and a divine family. Furthermore, both families are “yokes” and “shackles” to us, so [331] there is no way for us to escape. If someone is tired of his job, he can either resign or endure until he retires. However, the family “yoke” and “shackle” will cease only at death. This is God’s ordination; it is not decided by us but arranged by God. Therefore, Romans 8:28 says, “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God.” God arranges all things to work together in order to break us, press us, and grind us into powder for our transformation.

We all know that according to God’s eternal purpose, we cannot run away from God. In His eternal plan with His foreknowledge and in His wisdom, God chose us before the foundation of the world. Then according to His plan, we were born in this age, we grew up, we were called, and now we live the church life. Because we are constrained by God through the environment, it seems that we have no alternative but to take this way. However, in reality, if we walk on this way willingly, we will be blessed by God. Even though we have some sufferings, still we will be full of joy. Although we may have some hard times in our family and in the church, still we will be full of joy. The more we are willing to suffer, the more joy we will have; the more joy we have, the more we will be transformed. Eventually, a godly character will be manifested.

Hence, we are not speaking about character as the product of the so-called nurturing of human nature. Rather, we are speaking about the kind of character that God wants. After we have the Lord’s life and Spirit in us, we begin to receive the breaking and the consuming so that the Lord, in His life, can add more of Himself as the Spirit into us for our transformation, which issues in the character that God wants. In order to be useful in the service to the Lord, we need to receive a great deal of training in our character. The progress of character training altogether depends on the extent of transformation, and transformation is related to the growth in life, the knowledge of the truth, and the daily filling of the Holy Spirit. All these matters complement one another and require our earnest pursuit.


Besides the four points mentioned above, we need to pursue so that we may see and know God’s eternal economy. This is the deepest utterance in the Bible. The word economy may also be translated [332] as “intention,” “plan,” “arrangement,” or “dispensation.” If we desire to be those who follow the Lord, it is not adequate merely to grow in life, pursue the truth, be filled with the Holy Spirit, and be transformed in our character. We also must know the economy of God.

Ephesians 3:11 says, “According to the eternal purpose which He made in Christ Jesus our Lord.” The eternal purpose made by God is His economy. In Greek, the word for eternal means “of the ages,” and the word for purpose means “plan.” Hence, the eternal purpose of God and the economy of God are not two things; they are just one thing. The eternal purpose is the eternal plan that God made in eternity past, and this eternal plan is God’s economy. The carrying out of God’s economy is God’s operation. Economy is an intrinsic plan, while operation is the practical carrying out of the economy.

The Greek word for economy is oikonomia, which means “household law,” “household management,” “household administration,” and, derivatively, “a dispensation, a plan, for administration.” The Bible shows us that God has an economy in Himself, and this economy includes God’s eternal purpose, plan, dispensation, and intention. When this economy is revealed and carried out, it is His operation.

In order to know the economy of God, we must study Ephesians 1:9-11 and 3:9-11. We all need to study these six verses thoroughly and remember them by heart. These six verses are all concerning God’s economy as the mystery of mysteries. If we recite and study them well, we will enjoy the benefit for our entire life.