The History of God in His Union With Man, Ch. 2, Sec. 8 of 8

He Rebelled against God

Satan’s heart was lifted up because of his beauty and his brightness (v. 17). This was arrogance. He said in his heart, “I will ascend to heaven; / Above the stars of God / I will exalt my throne. / And I will sit upon the mount of assembly / In the uttermost parts of the north” (Isa. 14:13). The uttermost parts of the north means the highest place. This was Satan’s arrogant declaration. He wanted to sit upon the throne of assembly, where God sits in the uttermost parts of the north. In Job there are two times when God assembled with all the angels in this place of assembly (1:6; 2:1). Isaiah 14 continues: “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; / I will make myself like the Most High” (v. 14). These are the five points of Satan’s arrogant declaration, each beginning with the words I will. Satan wanted to be on the same level as God. This was his rebellion.

When Satan rebelled, one-third of the angels of heaven participated in that rebellion. Revelation 12:4 says that one-third of the stars, that is, one-third of the angels, followed the dragon Satan. This indicates that they followed Satan in his rebellion. These angels eventually became the fallen angels.

The living creatures in the preadamic age also joined Satan in his rebellion. Students of the Bible agree that according to the record of the Bible, in the age before Adam, there should have been some living creatures. Those living creatures also followed Satan in his rebellion.

The Issue of Satan’s Rebellion

Because of his rebellion Satan became God’s adversary, God’s enemy (Zech. 3:1-2; Rev. 12:9a; 20:2a). Satan is a Hebrew word that means “adversary.” He is the adversary within and the enemy without. Satan and his subordinate angels then became the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies, of which Satan is the ruler. This is clearly revealed in the book of Ephesians (6:12; 2:2b; Dan. 10:13, 20). The living creatures of the preadamic age became demons (Matt 12:43-45), working for Satan’s kingdom of darkness (v. 26; Acts 26:18a; Col. 1:13a).

God then judged Satan so that he will be cast from the heavens to the earth and into Sheol, to the uttermost parts of the pit (Ezek. 28:16-17; Isa. 14:15). Sheol in the Old Testament equals Hades in the New Testament. Satan wanted to go to the uttermost parts of the north, to the highest place, but eventually God judged him, and He will throw him into the uttermost parts of the pit.

God also judged the heavens and the earth, which had become polluted because of Satan’s rebellion. The heavens were polluted by Satan because after his rebellion he continued to go into heaven. Hence, the entire universe became dark (Job 9:5-7). In Genesis 1:2a the darkness of the entire universe is mentioned.

Although God has judged Satan, He will execute His judgment upon him step by step, until Satan is cast into the lake of fire. God judged Satan and declared His verdict on him, but He did not execute the verdict at that time. According to the Bible, God carries out the execution of His judgment upon Satan gradually, step by step. In Luke 10:17-19 the Lord Jesus said that while He was on the earth, He saw Satan falling down out of heaven. Then in Revelation 12:9 Satan is cast down from the heavens at another time, and in Revelation 20:2-3 he is bound and cast into the bottomless pit. Finally, he is cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:10). Yet before the completion of the execution of God’s judgment upon him, he can still enter into the presence of God to accuse God’s people, as he did in the case of Job (Job 1:6-12; 2:1-7; Zech. 3:1-2; Rev. 12:10b). Today he also walks about on the earth as a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (1 Pet. 5:8). Nevertheless, whatever he does is a kind of help to God so that God may perfect His people.

Hebrews 2:14 tells us that Christ, in His flesh on the cross, destroyed Satan, in his person and nature, as the one who has the might of death. Thus, Satan’s judgment has been executed on his person and nature, because Christ has destroyed him on the cross.

In the history of God in time, these are the initial things: God’s creation, Satan’s rebellion, God’s judgment on Satan, and God’s carrying out of His judgment on him.

The History of God in His Union With Man, Ch. 2, Sec. 7 of 8


Satan was One of the Early Angels 
Created by God at the “Morning” of the Universe

In Isaiah 14:12 Satan is called the Daystar. This term Daystar was translated “Lucifer” in the Latin version of the Bible. Daystar means “morning star.” He is also called the son of the dawn, indicating that Satan was one of the earliest angels created by God at the “morning” of the universe.

He Was in Eden, the Garden of God, 
upon the Holy Mountain in the Heavenlies, 
and Was Anointed by God to Be the Chief Archangel

Ezekiel 28:13-14 says that Satan was in Eden, the garden of God. This is not the Eden in Genesis 2, which was the Eden on the earth. The Eden here is the garden of God upon the holy mountain in the heavenlies. Furthermore, Satan was anointed by God to be the chief archangel. Jude 9 also tells us that he was the chief archangel and was above all the angels.

As the Ruler of the World

From the day of Satan’s creation, God prepared musical instruments around him (Ezek. 28:13b). This indicates that he was a ruler, a king. Furthermore, in John 12:31 the Lord says that Satan is the ruler of the world. Then in Luke 4:5-6 Satan himself indicated that he has authority over the world. Ephesians 2:2 calls Satan the ruler of the authority of the air.

As the Cherub Covering the Ark

Ezekiel 28:14 goes on to tell us that Satan was the cherub covering the Ark. This is not the Ark on the earth but the Ark in heaven. He was the cherub upon the Ark, covering it. He was very close to God as the high priest serving God. Therefore, on the one hand he was a king, and on the other hand he was a priest. Today we have taken this position. We were born priests, and we are going to be kings. Our position today was once Satan’s position. Because of his failure, this position has come to us.

The History of God in His Union With Man, Ch. 2, Sec. 6 of 8

Spreading Forth the Earth and What Springs Up from It

God spread forth not only the earth but also all the things that spring up from the earth (Isa. 42:5b). What was His purpose in doing this? Isaiah 45:18 says that God created the earth to be inhabited by man. The globe is a fitting place for man to live on. When man landed on the moon over twenty years ago, we found out how different from the earth things are there. There is no air on the moon, so we cannot live there. There are no living things on the moon. The moon is not a fitting place for us to live. Genesis 1 speaks of the expanse. That is the air. From the expanse rain comes, and in the winter the snow comes. These make the earth a fitting place for us to live.

The Morning Stars Sang Together and All the Angels, 
the Sons of God, Shouted for Joy 
at God’s Beautiful Building of the Earth

At the time when God was spreading forth the earth, the morning stars sang together and all the angels, the sons of God, shouted for joy at God’s beautiful building of the earth (Job 38:7). The earth is really beautiful. This is why so many people enjoy sightseeing. In places like Yosemite or Yellowstone, you can see how beautiful the earth is. Everything is beautiful, even the flowers. If you go to a zoo, you can see beautiful animals: bears, tigers, lions, leopards, and all kinds of birds. God created the earth in this way for us. God is a God of good pleasure, and He made us as men of good pleasure. Because of this, man seeks amusement. Today’s amusements, however, are terrible because they are full of Satan. But in the beginning there was real amusement. In Genesis 2 there is such a phrase: every tree that is pleasant to the sight (v. 9). All the trees are pleasant to the sight. How do we know that God loves beauty? We need only look at the earth that He created for us. Furthermore, on a clear night we can see how beautiful all the stars are. All these prove that God is a God of beauty.

God’s Initial Creation of the Universe 
before Satan’s Rebellion

The foregoing matters are all related to God’s initial creation of the universe, which occurred before Satan’s rebellion.