二零二一年国殇节特会 认识真理,对真理绝对,并在现今邪恶的世代宣扬真理 (第五周)

晨更经节 —  8 月 16 日 – 8 月 22 日

第五周 维持召会是真理的柱石和根基,也是神团体的显现于肉体这真理,并给这真理作见证

晨更经节: DOC PDF
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团体追求:《神在祂与人联结中的历史》第二篇 神在时间里的历史(一)创造宇宙并审判撒但和宇宙;第三篇 神在时间里的历史(二)恢复受审判的宇宙并创造人

Knowing the Truth, Being Absolute for the Truth, and Proclaiming the Truth in the Present Evil Age – Week 5

Morning Watch —  August 16 – August 22, 2021

Upholding the Truth and Testifying to the Truth That the Church Is the Pillar and Base of the Truth and the Corporate Manifestation of God in the Flesh

DOC: ENGLISH 中文 Español  한국어
PDF: ENGLISH 中文 Español  한국어


Message 5 Outline: ENGLISH


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Corporate Reading of “The History of God in His Union with Man” Chapter 2 – Sections:
1. Spreading Forth the Earth and What Springs Up from It; The Morning Stars Sang Together and All the Angels, the Sons of God, Shouted for Joy at God’s Beautiful Building of the Earth; God’s Initial Creation of the Universe before Satan’s Rebellion
2. Judging Satan And The Universe; Satan was One of the Early Angels Created by God at the “Morning” of the Universe; He Was in Eden, the Garden of God, upon the Holy Mountain in the Heavenlies, and Was Anointed by God to Be the Chief Archangel; As the Ruler of the World; As the Cherub Covering the Ark
3.  He Rebelled against God; The Issue of Satan’s Rebellion
Chapter 3 – Sections:
4. God’s History In Time (From The Creation Of The Universe To The Final Judgment At The Great White Throne—Genesis 1:1—Revelation 20:15); (2) Restoring The Judged Universe And Creating Man; Outline
5. Paragraph 1; God’s Intention To Have Man For His Expression; God Entering Into Time Through Creation

The History of God in His Union With Man, Ch. 3, Sec. 2 of 8

The more you read a book like Genesis, the more you must admit that the Bible is really a record of God’s movements; it is the history of God. You cannot say that the record in Genesis is merely a record of mankind. While it is a record of mankind, it is not primarily such. Genesis is primarily a record of God, then of man. Without God there would be no way for man to be here. God is the Initiator; He is the beginning. Then man came into existence from God. Therefore, if Genesis is a record of man, it must certainly be even more the record of God.


In the previous chapter we saw God in eternity. That was the origin of His history. He did not come from anywhere, because He is self-existing. We have no human words to explain this. He has no parents, no genealogy, no origin (Heb. 7:3). But when He was there in eternity past, He began to move. We saw in chapter 1 that He first began to form an economy, to make an arrangement, according to His heart’s desire for His good pleasure. That was the beginning of His move. Then, in that move there was a council among the three of the Godhead—among the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—and a strong determination was made. He wanted to have mankind so that He could have an organism to express Him, represent Him, and even be one with Him. This organism would be His enlargement, His increase. The Bible shows us that eventually after God moves so much throughout all the centuries, the New Jerusalem will come forth. The New Jerusalem is God’s enlargement, as Eve was Adam’s enlargement. Since God as the very substance of the New Jerusalem is embodied in Christ the Lamb and since the New Jerusalem is called the wife of the Lamb (Rev. 21:9), it is absolutely right to say that the New Jerusalem is the enlargement of God.


After God formed His economy and determined to create man and to have Christ, the second of the Trinity, die an all-inclusive, vicarious death, God walked out of eternity and entered into time by means of creation. Creation is a matter in time. This was God’s first step into time. Time began with God’s creation.

When God created, He created the heavens with the angels, the stars, and the heavenly bodies first. He also created the earth with all the things upon it. Then one of His creatures, the chief archangel, became rebellious, and God judged him. This angel became God’s enemy. Hence, in God’s history which exists in time, God first had an enemy due to a rebellion. Because there was a rebellion, the heavens and the earth were polluted, and God therefore judged not only Satan but also the heavens and the earth. The heavens and the earth became devastated, and the whole universe became darkness.

This is what is mentioned in Genesis 1:2. Verse 1 concerns the preadamic age, but our age begins in verse 2. Genesis 1:2 says, “But the earth became waste and emptiness, and darkness was on the surface of the deep.” The word but at the beginning of verse 2 indicates that verse 2 is an additional event. It does not mean that verse 2 is an explanation of verse 1. Verse 1 includes all the matters that we have covered in the previous chapters. Then after verse 1 more things happened: “But the earth became waste and emptiness.” Isaiah 45:18 says that God did not create the earth as a waste, but here in Genesis 1:2 we read that the earth became waste and emptiness. This indicates that after the earth was created, it was judged by God. The judgment came because of Satan’s rebellion. Genesis 1:2 also says that darkness was on the surface of the deep. The deep indicates deep water; hence, darkness was on the deep water. In the Bible darkness and death frequently go together (Job 10:21-22; Isa. 9:2; Luke 1:79). We may even say that darkness is a sign of death. This was the situation of our earth under God’s judgment. It became waste and emptiness, and darkness, implying death, was on the deep water.

The History of God in His Union With Man, Ch. 3, Sec. 1 of 8






  1. Restoring the judged universe—Gen. 1:2-25:
    1. The earth was waste and emptiness; and darkness was upon the surface of the deep—the issue of God’s judgment upon His original creation—v. 2a.
    2. The Spirit of God was brooding upon the surface of the waters—v. 2b.
    3. God restored the light to divide the light from the darkness, calling the light Day and the darkness Night, on the first day—vv. 3-5.
    4. God made the expanse in the midst of the waters to separate the waters under the expanse from the waters above the expanse; God called the expanse Heaven, on the second day—vv. 6-8.
    5. God gathered the waters under the heavens together into one place and caused the dry land to appear; God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters Seas, on the third day—vv. 9-10.
    6. God caused the earth to sprout grass, herbs, and fruit trees, on the third day—vv. 11-13.
    7. God restored the light-bearers in heaven to separate the day from the night, for signs, for seasons, for days and years, and for light-bearers in heaven to give light on the earth: two great light-bearers—the greater to rule the day and the lesser to rule the night—and stars, on the fourth day—vv. 14-19.
    8. God caused the waters to swarm with swarms of living animals, and birds to fly above the earth in heaven and multiply on earth, on the fifth day—vv. 20-23.
    9. God caused the earth to bring forth living animals: cattle, creeping things, and animals of the earth, on the sixth day—vv. 24-25.
  2. Creating man—v. 26—2:25:

    God’s history in time with man objectively
    Gen. 1:26—Mal. 4:6

    1. God created man in His image, according to His likeness, on the sixth day—Gen. 1:26-31:
      1. To express Him in person—vv. 26a, 27.
      2. To represent Him in office—vv. 26b, 28.
    2. Jehovah God formed man from the dust of the ground (for man’s body) and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (for man’s spirit); and man became a living soul—2:7.
    3. Jehovah God put man in the garden of Eden in front of two trees—vv. 8-9:
      1. The tree of life, signifying God in Christ as life to man, to be taken by man—Rev. 2:7b; 22:2, 14, 19.
      2. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, signifying Satan as the origin of death (Heb. 2:14), to be prohibited from being eaten by man—Gen. 2:17; 3:3.
    4. With a river, in the flow of which are gold, bdellium, and onyx stone—2:10-12.
    5. Jehovah God built a woman with the rib of Adam as his wife to match him as his counterpart, signifying that the church was constituted with the resurrection life of Christ to be His counterpart—vv. 18-24; Eph. 5:23-32.
    6. God rested on the seventh day after He finished all His work which He created and made—Gen. 2:1-3.