Week 26


Level 1 – Sequential Study

Scripture Reading:
Rom. 5:12-21

Assigned Reading:
Life-study of Romans, msgs. 40, 41

Level 1 Study Questions

1. What are some major things from which we need to be saved?
2. What do you see concerning the need to be saved from sin, worldliness, and naturalness respectively?


Level 2 – Topical Study of Romans

Week 26 – Being a Vessel under the Sovereignty of God

Rom. 9:19-29

Assigned Reading:
Life-study of Romans, msg. 23; Life-study of Exodus, msg. 21

Supplemental Reading:

Verse references:
Rom. 9:21 footnote “potter” cross references;
Rom. 9:23 footnote 1 cross references


Memory Verses for Prayer:
Rom. 9:15-16, 20, 23

Level 2 Study Questions

1. What is the significance and implications of man being a vessel?
2. What should be our view regarding God’s sovereignty over His created vessels? Is God ever unrighteous?
3. Why is it important for a believer to know God as the Sovereign One?
4. How will knowing the sovereignty of God affect your view and choices?

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