Week 24


Level 1 – Sequential Study

Scripture Reading:
Rom. 4:1-25

Assigned Reading:
Life-study of Romans, msgs. 37-38

Level 1 Study Questions

1. How do we live by the law of life?
2. Trace the line of life and the line of death from Genesis, Romans, and Revelation.

Level 2 – Topical Study of Romans

Week 24 – The Love of Our “Abba Father”

Rom. 8:1-39

Assigned Reading:
Life-study of Romans, msgs. 20

Supplemental Reading:

Verse references:
Rom. 8:15 footnote 2 references


Memory Verses for Prayer:
Rom. 8:35-39

Level 2 Study Questions

1. What is the significance of the name “Abba Father” in the context of Romans 8?
2. What is the significance of knowing God as our Father?
3. What or who is the Father to you?
4. Consider God our Father and pray something in worship to the Father on the Lord’s Day.

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