Week 23


Level 1 – Sequential Study

Scripture Reading:
Rom. 3:21-31

Assigned Reading:
Life-study of Romans, msgs. 35-36

Level 1 Study Questions

1. What is the difference, if any, between “of sin” and “of death” in the law of sin and of death?
2. What is your understanding regarding death as described in the Bible and how can we overcome it?

Level 2 – Topical Study of Romans

Week 23 – All Things Working Together for Good to Those who Love God

Rom. 8:28-39

Assigned Reading:
Life-study of Romans, msgs. 21

Supplemental Reading:

Verse references:
Rom. 8:18 footnote “glory” cross references


Memory Verses for Prayer:
Rom. 8:28-30

Level 2 Study Questions

1. What is the “good” in Rom. 8:28?
2. Do all things work together for good to those who do not love God?
3. Explain the relationship between “all things,” “work together,” “good,” “love God,” “called,” and “purpose.”
4. How has God worked something in your life for His good and your good?

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