Week 4


Level 1—Hebrews Sequential Reading

Scripture Reading and Copying: Heb. 2:1-4

Assigned Reading: Life-study of Hebrews, msgs. 5-6


Level 2—Hebrews Topical Study

Crucial Point: Giving Heed More Abundantly to the Things Which We Have Heard Lest Perhaps We Drift Away

Scripture: Heb. 2:1-4

Assigned Reading: CWWN, vol. 21, “The Christian (1934-1940),” ch. 12: Leaking and Drifting; CWWN, vol. 10, “The Present Testimony (3),” ch. 3: The Last Part of the Journey

Supplemental Reading: none


  1. What are some things which have been heard that we ought to give heed more abundantly, especially in our days?
  2. What is the significance of the phrase “drifting away?”
  3. What are some examples of believers in both the Old and New Testaments who drifted away?
  4. How can we be saved from drifting away?

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