Level 1—Hebrews Sequential Reading
Scripture Reading and Copying: Heb. 11:8-22
Assigned Reading: Life-study of Heb, msgs. 54-55
Level 2—Hebrews Topical Study
Crucial Point: The Definition of Faith
Scripture: Heb. 11:1
Assigned Reading:LS of Hebrews, msgs. 47
Supplemental Reading: CWWN, vol. 41, “Conferences, Messages, and Fellowship (1),” Section Three: Overcomer Conference in Chuenchow, November 1935, ch. 14; CWWN, vol. 6, “The Christian (4): Spiritual Teachings,” ch. 9
1. Define and explain faith as it is revealed in Heb. 11:1.
2. How was faith manifested in the Son?
3. In what ways is faith important to a believer?
4. How does a believer’s faith develop?
Accessing the Materials
- The Bible (Recovery Version) without footnotes is available for free on text.recoveryversion.bible
- Life-study messages are available for free on ministrybooks.org
- Materials not available for free on ministrybooks.org need to be purchased separately
- Hymns are available on hymnal.net