Level 1—Hebrews Sequential Reading
Scripture Reading and Copying: Heb. 10:32-39
Assigned Reading: Life-study of Heb, msgs. 51
Level 2—Hebrews Topical Study
Crucial Point: The New and Living Way through the Veil
Scripture: Heb. 10:19-31
Assigned Reading: CWWN, vol. 19, “Notes on Scriptural Messages (3),” The Blood and a Worship that Draws Near to God; CWWN, vol. 20, Questions on the Gospel, ch. 47
Supplemental Reading: none
1. Consider the marvelous access of a New Testament believe into the Holy of Holies.
2. How is the way through the veil “new and living?”
3. In Heb. 10:22, what does it mean to come to the Holy of Holies with a true heart in full assurance of faith?
4. In Heb. 10:22, what does it mean for our hearts to be sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies to be washed with pure water?
Accessing the Materials
- The Bible (Recovery Version) without footnotes is available for free on text.recoveryversion.bible
- Life-study messages are available for free on ministrybooks.org
- Materials not available for free on ministrybooks.org need to be purchased separately
- Hymns are available on hymnal.net