Week 3


Level 1

Scripture Reading and Copying: Gen. 3
Life-study Message Reading: Msg(s). 5, 6

Level 2

Title: The First Day and the Second Day

Verse: Gen. 1:3-8
Assigned Reading: Life-study of Genesis, msg. 3
Supplemental reading:

CWWN, Set 1, Vol. 3, “”The Christian, Meditations on Genesis””, ch. 3;
The History of God in His Union with Man, ch. 3;
Truth Lessons, Level Two, Vol. 1, ch. 1;
Revelation in Genesis: Seeing God’s desire and purpose in creation, ch. 2;
Crystallization Study of Genesis (1), msg. 2″

Study Questions: 
1. What did God do on the first day and the second day?
2. Consider the line of “”light”” through the Scriptures.
3. What does it mean for light to be separated from darkness in our experience?

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