Week 2


Level 1

Scripture Reading and Copying: Gen. 2
Life-study Message Reading: Msg(s). 3, 4

Level 2

Title: Satan’s Rebellion and Corruption, Resulting in Judgment

Verse: Gen. 1:2
Assigned Reading: Life-study of Genesis, msg. 2
Supplemental reading:
CWWN, Set 1, Vol. 3, “The Christian, Meditations on Genesis,” ch. 2;
The Crucial Revelation of Life in the Scriptures, ch. 1;
The History of God in His Union with Man, chs. 1 & 2;
Truth Lessons, Level Four, Vol. 1, ch. 4;
Revelations in Genesis: Seeing God’s Way of Salvation in Man’s Fall, ch. 1
Study Questions: 
1. How does Gen. 1:2 implicate God’s judgment?
2. Which verses help us to know the origin of sin?
3. Which of God’s judgments in the Scriptures impress you the most?

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