The Parables of the Lord Jesus

Summary of Citywide Children’s Meeting
Regarding Lessons on The Parables of the Lord Jesus.

New Series:
The Parables of the Lord Jesus

We are starting a new lesson series, The Parables of the Lord Jesus. Take time to introduce the series and define parables to the children. A parable is a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson (Oxford Dictionary)

The parables in this series are all stories that the Lord Jesus told. Parables are not easy to understand, but they are full of meaning, like pictures which can have hidden meanings. The Lord Jesus had to explain the parables. Although all the parables have spiritual significance, our goal is not to teach all those meanings to children who have not yet received the Lord. Rather, in each lesson, we provide some practical, relatable applications for the children. However, for younger children, it may be sufficient just to teach the facts of the parable as a foundation.

September 8 & 15, 2024

The Parable of the Sower (two-part lesson)

We will cover this lesson over two weeks. Serving one’s preparatory activity: A few weeks before the lesson prepare several cups with different kinds of soil and plant seeds to allow time for the seeds to grow. 

The main burden for both parts is to contrast a hard heart with a soft heart. The goal is that the children would desire to have a soft heart. Avoid spending too much time on the explanations. For younger children, especially, we should spend the time mostly on the facts of the parable.

We suggest splitting the lesson into two-parts as follows:

In both weeks, we suggest bringing visuals as suggested in the lesson. Make sure you include good earth (potting soil, compost, etc.) to show a soft heart, which is emphasized both weeks. 

Week 1 (9/8): Cover all four types of grounds (wayside, rocky places, thorny ground, and good earth), but limit covering detailed explanations and examples. The main burden is to have a soft heart.

Week 2 (9/15): Ask the children if they remember the four types of ground in the Parable of the Sower. Cover the explanations by talking about some practical examples and by discussing and demonstrating gardening. The seed is the Word of God. How does the seed, the Word of God, get into your heart? By reading the Bible and listening to the Word during children’s meeting lessons, Bible Camp or at home with your parents during a Bible reading/sharing time. By memorizing weekly Bible verses and singing Children’s Meeting songs, we also get God’s Word into our hearts. Re-emphasize the main burden of having a soft heart.

September 22 & 29, 2024

THE PARABLES: The Parable of the Good Samaritan

Since the Young Working Saints conference was held at KPCC Sept 20-22, we realize that children from Rosendale and Halls 1-9 attending the conference will not hear The Good Samaritan lesson on 9/22 as scheduled. Therefore, we will cover this lesson over two weeks: Sept 22 and Sept 29. Please repeat the lesson on Sept. 29th.

Week 1 (9/22):

  • “Good Samaritan” is a term many people know and use to refer to someone who shows compassion unselfishly to another person, often towards a person they do not know who is in need of help. Because our country was founded by people who read the Bible, there are many phrases and sayings in our language and culture that come from the Bible. (Often when someone does an act of kindness or is helpful, especially to someone they do not know, they might be called a “good Samaritan” by the media or others. In the USA, all 50 states have Good Samaritan laws. Another example: When two teams are unevenly matched, people may refer to it as a David and Goliath match.)
  • We should help our neighbors (the people around us) and not just the people we know very well.
  • Show compassion towards others and be helpful. (ie. hold the door open, carry grocery bags, help with directions, translate/interpret, etc.)
  • For craft, avoid using pictures of “Jesus” online. We suggest using the craft ideas in the lesson. 

Week 2 (9/29): Here are some suggestions on how to extend the lesson for Sept 29th:

  • As you retell the story, ask the children to tell the class about their “Good Samaritan” deeds, how they were helpful, who did they help, or were they on the receiving end and helped by someone. This can be a rich conversation with the children and gives us an opportunity to get to know them as they tell us about their scenarios. 
  • If available, use a felt story board (or draw stick figures on large paper or whiteboard) to retell the parable with two scenes: hurt man on the road and healing man at the inn.
  • Additional Craft Ideas for Sept. 29: 
    • Older grades 1) Using a storyboard template with 4 scene boxes, have the children write down and draw the scenarios they described of being Good Samaritans during the past week. 2) Make a six panel story circle wheel with scenes of the Good Samaritan.
    • Younger grades 1) Trace the children’s hands onto construction paper and cut them out. Draw a large heart on red construction paper. Glue the hands onto the heart. Add Matt 19:19b “…you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” or Matt. 5:7 “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy.” to the craft.
  • Additional suggested songs: 

175 God’s Helpers
176 God Uses Helpers
9031 If You Ever See a Needy One
8208 You Shall Love The Lord Your God 
1612 Companions

Additional memory verse suggestions: Mark 12:30-31m (And you shall love the Lord your God from your whole heart and from your whole soul and from your whole mind and from your whole strength….“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”)