Lessons for Older Children



Lessons for Older Children

Current Series: The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus

Upcoming Lessons​

We are starting a new series, The Person and Life of the Lord Jesus.

Summaries for Lessons on God’s Calling in the Old Testament: March 17 – July 7, 2024.

Our next fellowship meeting will be Thursday, July 4, 2024 from 8:30 – 9:15am before the video training meeting (9:30am).

All Lesson in Series:

(Links lead to documents stored in Google Drive)

  1. The Preparation for His Coming
  2. The Announcement of His Birth
  3. The Birth of Our Savior
  4. The Visit of the Wise Men and the Lord’s Flight Into Egypt
  5. His Visit to Jerusalem at Twelve Years Old
  6. His Baptism
  7. His Temptation in the Wilderness
  8. The First Miracle of Jesus
  9. The Samaritan Woman Meets Jesus
  10. JESUS MEETS MAN’S NEEDS: The Healing of the Royal Official’s Son
  11. JESUS MEETS MAN’S NEEDS: The Healing of the Sick Man by the Pool
  12. Nicodemus and New Life (Part 1 and Part 2)
  13. JESUS MEETS MAN’S NEEDS: The Feeding of the Five Thousand
  14. JESUS MEETS MAN’S NEEDS: Who Is Without Sin?
  15. JESUS MEETS MAN’S NEEDS: The Healing of the Blind Man
  16. JESUS MEETS MAN’S NEEDS: The Healing of the Blind Man
  17. JESUS MEETS MAN’S NEEDS: Lazarus is Raised
  18. JESUS MEETS MAN’S NEEDS: Healing and Cleansing the Leper
  19. JESUS MEETS MAN’S NEEDS: Healing the Paralytic
  20. JESUS MEETS MAN’S NEEDS: Healing the Centurion’s Servant
  21. JESUS MEETS MAN’S NEEDS: The Forgiving Savior and the Loving Sinner–An Alabaster Flask of Ointment
  22. JESUS MEETS MAN’S NEEDS: Calming the Wind and the Sea
  23. JESUS MEETS MAN’S NEEDS: Raising Jairus’ Daughter and Healing the Sick Woman in the Crowd
  24. JESUS MEETS MAN’S NEEDS: Healing the Deaf-Mute
  25. JESUS MEETS MAN’S NEEDS: The Church is God’s People
  26. The Lord’s Entry Into Jerusalem
  27. Cleansing the Temple
  28. The Betrayal and Arrest of the Lord Jesus (Part 1 of 2)
  29. The Betrayal and Arrest of the Lord Jesus (Part 2 of 2)
  30. The Lord Being Judged by the Jewish Sanhedrin, and Peter Denying the Lord
  31. The Trial and Judgment of The Lord Jesus Christ
  32. The Crucifixion and Death of the Lord Jesus Christ (Part 1 of 2)
  33. The Crucifixion and Death of the Lord Jesus Christ (Part 2 of 2)
  34. The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ (Part 1 of 2)
  35. The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ (Part 2 of 2)
  36. Commissioning His Disciples and Ascending into the Heavens
  37. The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ
  38. Preparing for the Lord’s Second Coming