Children’s Service / Lessons for Older Children
Lessons for Older Children
Current Series: The Travels of the Chosen Children of Israel
Upcoming Lessons
We are starting an Old Testament series The Travels of the Chosen Children of Israel. This series covers the history of the chosen children of Israel, starting from God’s calling of Abraham, through God’s relationship with His people, to the ultimate obtaining of the good land promised by God. The focus of the lessons and their accompanying applications is to teach the children about God’s characteristics and also about proper humanity.
April 21, 2025 at 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
All Lesson in Series:
(Links lead to documents stored in Google Drive)
- Travels-Forefathers_-Abraham
- Travels-Forefathers_-Isaac-The-Promised-Son-of-Abraham-1-of-2
- Travels-Forefathers_-Isaac-The-Promised-Son-of-Abraham-2-of-2
- Travels-Forefathers_-Jacob
- Travels-Birth-of-Moses
- Travels-Moses-Burning-Bush
- Travels-Plagues-1of2
- Travels-Plagues-2of2
- Travels-Passover
- Travels-Red-Sea
- Travels-Food-and-Drink-1
- Travels-Ten-Commandments-1of2
- Travels-Ten-Commandments-2
- Travels-Tabernacle
- Review-1
- Travels-Priesthood
- Travels-MoltenCalf
- Travels-Murmurings-and-Criticism
- Travels-Spying-the-Good-Land
- Travels-Rebellion
- Travels-MeribahandAaronsDeath
- Travels-Fiery-Serpents
- Travels-Death-of-Moses
- Travels-Entering-the-Good-Land
- Travels-ConqueringJericho
- Travels-SinofAchanBattleofAi
- Travels-JoshuasVictoryFinalConquering
- Travels-Allotment-of-the-Land
Additional Series
- Being Well-Pleasing to the Lord
- Creation
- End of Year Celebration Lesson
- Forefathers of the People of Israel
- God’s Calling in the New Testament
- God’s Calling in the Old Testament
- God’s Calling in the Present Age
- Gospel
- Human Relationships
- Person and Life of the Lord Jesus
- Prophets and Kings
- Ten Commandments
- The Bible
- The Lord’s Prayer
- The Parables of the Lord Jesus
- The Travels of the Chosen Children of Israel
- The Truth about Halloween Lesson
- The Truth about Christmas Lesson