Young Working Saints and Young Families Conference – September 2023

Young Working Saints
and Young Families Conference
for the Churches in the Northeast
September 22-24, 2023

Registration has opened for the upcoming Young Working Saints and Young Families Conference for the churches in the Northeast, to be held at Camp Penuel on September 22-24, 2023. We strongly encourage the saints who will stay overnight to register as soon as possible to secure accommodation at the camp due to limited onsite housing. Please see below for the registration link and more information on the conference.


The registration deadline is September 4, 2023.

Check-in will be open on Friday, September 22 between 6:00 and 10:00 p.m. There will not be dinner provided or a formal meeting on Friday evening, but we encourage arrival on Friday so that the saints can settle in, spend time together, and fellowship before the conference starts.

Young People are those in grades 6 through 12; Children are those grades 5 and under. Information regarding childcare will be provided soon.

We look forward to a sweet and pleasant time for the young working saints and young families. Please pray for the Lord’s speaking and blessing at this conference. If you have any questions, please email