Truth Messages, Ch. 11, Sec. 3 of 3



The uniting bars are not the Holy Spirit alone but the Holy Spirit with the human spirit. In the Epistles it is often difficult to decide whether the Greek word for spirit should be rendered with a capital letter or a lowercase letter. In other words, it is difficult to determine whether the Greek word refers to the Holy Spirit or to the human spirit. Often it denotes the mingled spirit, the Holy Spirit mingled with our spirit. Therefore, the uniting bars are not only the Triune God added to man to bear responsibility; the Spirit represented by these bars also includes the human spirit. This means that if our spirit does not cooperate with the uniting Spirit, the oneness cannot be realized in a practical way. The uniting Spirit is actually the mingled spirit. In this mingled spirit there is both divinity and humanity, both gold and acacia wood.

Whether or not the uniting Spirit can actually join us into one depends on whether or not we are willing to cooperate with this Spirit. If the Spirit does not have a way to pass through us, there can be no oneness. In order for the uniting Spirit to pass through us and thus join us with others, we need to receive the cross, for the uniting Spirit always crosses the standing boards. If we are willing to receive the cross, our spirit will cooperate with the uniting Spirit. Then the Spirit with our spirit will join us to another believer in Christ. We are joined into one by our spirit cooperating with the crossing Spirit. However, most of the time we are not willing to be crossed by the Spirit.

The uniting Spirit is seeking to cross through us to others. The question is whether or not we are willing to go along with Him. Whenever our spirit is one with the crossing Spirit, we experience the uniting Spirit. Every time we walk according to the Spirit, we experience the crossing of the Spirit. We stand, but we are crossed by the Spirit. The Spirit will never cross through us unless our spirit goes along with Him. When our spirit agrees with the crossing Spirit, we have the uniting bar. This is the unique way to keep the oneness. This understanding of the uniting bars is confirmed by our experience.


There are several steps to the oneness portrayed in the tabernacle. First, we have the initial Spirit, who is the regenerating and sealing Spirit. Then we have the process of transformation by which we are transformed into acacia wood. Along with transformation there is the overlaying of the wood with the divine nature. Furthermore, the Spirit is continually endeavoring to cross us, to pass through us. In order for this to take place, our spirit, with our mind, will, and emotion, must go along with Him. Only then do we have the uniting bars, the five bars in three rows to unite the believers into one. When we have all these aspects, we have the oneness in the Triune God revealed in John 17. This means that we have the building in the overlaying and uniting gold.


We need to emphasize the importance of being crossed by the uniting Spirit. The uniting Spirit not only strengthens us in standing; it also crosses us. Something passes through us not vertically but horizontally. Although we are standing, we still need to be crossed. The standing Spirit must also be the crossing Spirit. If we are willing to be crossed, it means that our spirit goes along with the crossing Spirit. The Spirit will never join us to others without this willingness. The uniting Spirit cannot unite me to you unless your spirit is willing to cooperate with the Spirit. When the uniting Spirit comes to me, it comes with the spirit of another brother, and when it goes from me to still another, it goes with my spirit. The uniting Spirit cannot unite us Himself. He must have the cooperation of our spirit. This means that we must be willing to be crossed by Him.

If we see this matter, then we will realize why, even after more than nineteen centuries, the oneness for which the Lord prayed in John 17 has not yet come into existence. Among today’s Christians there is little transformation or overlaying with the divine nature. Furthermore, there is little crossing of the Spirit and little cooperation of the human spirit with the divine Spirit. Hence, there is no oneness. But what about the situation among us in the Lord’s recovery? We need to ask ourselves how much we have of transformation, the overlaying with the divine nature, the crossing of the uniting Spirit, and the cooperation of our spirit with the uniting Spirit. Are you willing to allow the Spirit to cross through you? Yes, you may be standing firmly for the Lord’s testimony as one of the boards, but are you willing to be crossed by the Spirit? Can the Spirit pass through you? Many times the Spirit cannot pass through us because we are not willing to be crossed by Him. Is your spirit willing to go with the Spirit to another saint? Please do not think that the Spirit of God Himself alone can unite us. No, He needs our spirit to go along with Him. This is the meaning of keeping the oneness of the Spirit with all lowliness, meekness, long-suffering, and with bearing one another in love.


Ephesians 4:3 speaks of the uniting bond of peace. This bond of peace is the cooperation of our spirit with the uniting Spirit. Years ago when I read Ephesians 4:2 and 3, I paid attention only to the matter of keeping the oneness of the Spirit. I did not consider all the related matters mentioned in verse 2. Eventually, I came to see the relationship between these two verses. I can testify assuredly from my experience that we have the uniting bond of peace only when our spirit goes along with the Spirit. Certain brothers may come together, but there may be no peace among them. They will not have the uniting bond of peace until their spirits are willing to go along with the crossing Spirit. This is the way to keep the oneness of the Spirit, and this is also the proper understanding of the uniting bars in the tabernacle. The uniting bars are the mingled spirit, the divine Spirit mingled with the human spirit to become the uniting bond of peace. This is the way to have the genuine building.


As believers in Christ, we all have the initial Spirit. We are also undergoing the process of transformation and of being overlaid with the divine nature. But I am concerned that when the crossing Spirit comes to us, many are not willing for Him to cross through. We need to say, “Lord, my spirit is willing to go along with You. I am willing for You to cross through me.” If you have this willingness, you will immediately and spontaneously have the uniting bars, and you will experience the practical oneness. The Holy Spirit with your spirit will pass on to the spirit of another saint. This will in turn help other brothers and sisters to be willing for the uniting Spirit to cross them.

The uniting Spirit crosses through all the members of the Body when the spirits of the members are willing to be crossed by Him. Through this willingness and this crossing, we have the oneness. It was in this way that the entire tabernacle was brought into one. This is the oneness for the building, the dwelling place of God.

If you consider the picture of the tabernacle in the light of John 17, you will see the truth concerning oneness. To have such a oneness we need the initial Spirit, we need the transformation into acacia wood, we need the overlaying with gold, and we need the crossing of the uniting Spirit according to the willingness of our spirit to cooperate with Him. Then we will have the oneness and the building. This building is God’s dwelling place with man on earth.

© Living Stream Ministry, 2021, used by permission