The History of God in His Union With Man, Ch. 8, Sec. 5 of 7


Having Destined Him 
to Live a Struggling Life All His Days

God destined Jacob to live a struggling life all his days. His life was absolutely different from the life of Isaac. Isaac’s life had no struggle, just enjoyment. But Jacob’s life was full of troubles.

Struggling from His Mother’s Womb to Be the Firstborn

Even from his mother’s womb, he struggled to be the firstborn of the twins (25:22-26a). Even before he was brought forth in birth, he struggled with his brother. Jacob wanted to be the first.

Struggling to Receive the Blessing of the Firstborn

He also struggled to receive the blessing of the firstborn son through his deceiving according to his mother’s device (27:1-29). Rebekah told Jacob to pretend that he was Esau so that he could receive his father’s blessing. After Jacob stole his father’s blessing from Esau, Esau purposed in his heart to kill Jacob. Thus, Rebekah told Jacob to flee to her brother Laban. Rebekah’s device ushered Jacob into trouble. As a young man, he was forced to leave his father’s home to flee from his brother. Furthermore, his staying with Laban brought him much hardship.

Because of his deceiving, Jacob received Isaac’s blessing, the blessing of the firstborn son. Isaac blessed Jacob by telling him that God would give him of the dew of heaven and of the fatness of the earth and an abundance of grain and new wine (v. 28). Peoples would serve him, and nations would bow down to him. Jacob would be lord over his brothers, and his mother’s sons would bow down to him (v. 29a). Then Isaac told Jacob, “Cursed be those who curse you, / And blessed be those who bless you” (v. 29b).

Forced to Leave His Parents and Go to His Uncle Laban

Jacob struggled for the blessing of the firstborn son, and because of this, he had to suffer. He was forced by his brother’s hatred and his mother’s partial love and natural wisdom to leave his parents and go to his uncle Laban (v. 41—28:5).

© Living Stream Ministry, 2021, used by permission