The History of God in His Union With Man, Ch. 5, Sec. 7 of 8


The Above Being the Works That God Did 
before His Calling of Abraham

Before God called Abraham, God worked on His saints from Abel to Noah, the forefathers of God’s chosen people.


God Judging the Rest of Adam’s Descendants 
Who Took Satan’s Way of Death

While working on His chosen saints positively, God was judging negatively the rest of Adam’s descendants who took Satan’s way of death based upon the principle of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and became the world under God’s condemnation. The world is a negative term, referring to fallen mankind. Fallen mankind is the world under God’s condemnation. While God is working positively on His chosen ones, He is also working negatively on the rest of mankind who take Satan’s way of death. Fallen mankind has become the corrupted, rotten world under God’s condemnation.

God Having No Regard for Cain and for His Offering

God had regard for Abel and for his offering, but He had no regard for Cain and for his offering (Gen. 4:5). God rejected Cain, judging him because he did not take God’s way of life. Instead of offering the God-ordained sacrifice to God, he offered the produce of the earth to God. Cain forsook God’s way of salvation and offered according to his own concept and opinion. Cain did not take the way of God, so God judged him by rejecting him.

God Judging Cain, Causing Him to Become 
a Fugitive and a Wanderer on the Earth 
to Invent the Human, Godless Culture

After Cain murdered his brother Abel, God judged Cain even further. This judgment caused Cain to become a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth to invent the human, godless culture (vv. 10-22). The first culture invented by man was the culture under Cain. Cain built a city for his self-existence (v. 17). His descendants then invented cattle-raising for making a living, music for amusement, and weapons for defense (vv. 20-22). Human culture is the same in principle today. The primary thing in human culture is man taking care of his living. The second item of human culture is amusement. The United States today is filled with worldly amusement and entertainment. The third item is the making of weapons. Today on earth people are consumed with these three things: what to eat, how to have amusement, and how to fight, how to build up the national defense to protect themselves. These are the contents of human culture invented by the descendants of Cain. This was Cain’s culture.

© Living Stream Ministry, 2021, used by permission