The History of God in His Union With Man, Ch. 5, Sec. 5 of 8


God Prophesying concerning the Deluge 
through Enoch Naming His Son Methuselah

God prophesied concerning the deluge through Enoch naming his son Methuselah, which means “when he is dead, it [the deluge] will be sent” (5:21). This is the first prophecy after God prophesied concerning Christ as the seed of the woman in Genesis 3:15. Enoch brought forth a son and named his son Methuselah. This means that when Methuselah died, God would send the deluge to judge the world.

Methuselah lived nine hundred sixty-nine years (5:27). When he had lived one hundred eighty-seven years, he begot a son named Lamech (v. 25). When his son Lamech lived one hundred eighty-two years, he begot a son by the name of Noah (vv. 28-29). At that time Methuselah was three hundred sixty-nine years old. Then when Noah had lived up to six hundred years of age, Methuselah died, and the deluge came (7:11). That was exactly nine hundred sixty-nine years after the birth of Methuselah. Enoch’s naming of his son was actually God’s prophesying of the coming deluge.

God Gaining Enoch to Walk with Him 
for Three Hundred Years and 
Taking Enoch Away from the Earth before the Deluge

At the age of sixty-five Enoch begot Methuselah. Afterward, he still lived for three hundred years, and during these three hundred years, he walked with God (5:22-24). This implies that God also walked with Enoch. God took Enoch away from the earth before the deluge. It was a great thing for God to walk with a person on the earth for three hundred years. Walking implies living. God and Enoch lived together and walked together for three hundred years.

Enoch and God surely conversed with each other during that time. Enoch could have said, “God, look at the world today. All the people have become flesh, and the world is totally evil and corrupted.” God could have responded, “Enoch, be at peace. One day I’ll send the flood to judge this world. But you should not worry. Before that time, I’ll take you away from the earth.” I believe that Enoch and God should have conversed in this way. The book of Jude tells us that Enoch as the seventh from Adam also prophesied concerning the Lord coming with myriads of His saints (v. 14). Enoch lived with God. He walked with God. He and God were together for three hundred years. This was part of God’s working in His history in time.

© Living Stream Ministry, 2021, used by permission