The History of God in His Union With Man, Ch. 12, Sec. 8 of 8


To Meet God through the Propitiatory Blood 
on the Propitiation Cover of the Ark

Finally, they were able to meet God through the propitiatory blood on the propitiation cover of the Ark (typifying Christ as the center of God’s dwelling—Rom. 3:25) in the Holy of Holies (Exo. 25:10-22; 37:1-9; 40:3, 20-21). The blood shed outside the tabernacle at the bronze altar was brought into the tabernacle and sprinkled on the cover of the Ark. On Christ as the propitiatory cover, we can contact God, commune with God, and have fellowship with God. It is here that God becomes everything to us for our enjoyment.

By means of the tabernacle, the children of Israel were able to be in the presence of God. Through the laver and the bronze altar in the outer court, they could enter into the very God embodied as the tabernacle. In the tabernacle were the bread of the Presence, the lampstand, the incense altar, and the Ark. The tabernacle is the embodiment of God, and related to this embodied God are six items: the laver to wash us, the bronze altar to redeem us, the table to feed us, the lampstand to enlighten us, the incense altar to accept us, and the Ark for us to stay with God to enjoy Him.

Now we should be able to see why we need the Old Testament. Regardless of how good, how rich, and how excellent the New Testament teaching is, we cannot find there the details of God’s history that are revealed in the typology of the Old Testament. In God’s history we can see that He is the providing God for us to enter into Him and to stay with Him for our perpetual enjoyment of Him in the way of washing, redeeming, feeding, enlightening, accepting, and communion. Today we are in the embodied Triune God to enjoy His washing at the laver, His redeeming at the bronze altar, His feeding at the table, His enlightening at the lampstand, His accepting at the incense altar, and His communion at the Ark. Once we were in Egypt, but we passed through the Red Sea and were borne through the wilderness to be brought to God. Now we are in God enjoying Him in His washing, redeeming, feeding, enlightening, accepting, and communion.

© Living Stream Ministry, 2021, used by permission