The History of God in His Union With Man, Ch. 12, Sec. 7 of 8


To Get Them Redeemed from Their Sins 
through the Offerings

God redeemed them from their sins through the offerings (typifying Christ—John 1:29). These offerings were presented with Christ to God at the altar, typifying the cross of Christ (Exo. 27:1-8; 38:1-7; 40:6).

To Enter into the Tabernacle 
as the Dwelling of the Triune God on Earth

They entered into the tabernacle as the dwelling of the Triune God on earth (ch. 26; 36:8-38; 40:2, 17-28, 33-34), typifying Christ as the embodiment of the Triune God among men (John 1:14). The tabernacle was God’s embodiment, and that tabernacle was enterable. The children of Israel could enter into God, embodied by the tabernacle. This indicates that the very God in His history is enterable so that we can enter into Him to enjoy Him.

To Feed on the Table of the Bread of the Presence

After you enter into God, God is eatable. After entering into the tabernacle, they fed on the table of the bread of the Presence (Exo. 25:23-30; 37:10-16; 40:4a, 22-23), typifying Christ as the believers’ life supply (John 6:48, 51). Our food is God’s presence. God in His presence is our available food.

To Be Enlightened by the Lampstand

After eating the bread of the Presence, they were enlightened by the lampstand (Exo. 25:31-39; 37:17-24; 40:4b, 24-25), typifying Christ as the light of life to the believers (John 1:4; 8:12). When we receive the life supply by eating the bread, we will be enlightened. When we receive the provision of life, the supply of life, we will have the light of life. The life is the light of men.

To Be Accepted by God in Prayer

They were then accepted by God in prayer with Christ as the fragrance (cf. Rev. 8:3-4) at the golden altar (Exo. 30:1-10; 37:25-29; 40:5, 26-27). This altar is different from the bronze altar. The bronze altar is in the outer court, outside the tabernacle, and the golden altar is inside the tabernacle, close to the Holy of Holies. At the golden altar, the incense altar, the priests could offer their prayer to God to be accepted.

The content of our prayer is the resurrected and ascended Christ. Christ offered Himself on the cross, typified by the bronze altar on the earth, for our redemption. Now He is in the third heaven before God. As the resurrected and ascended One, He is the sweet and fragrant incense, in which God extends to us His well pleasing acceptance.

© Living Stream Ministry, 2021, used by permission