The History of God in His Union With Man, Ch. 12, Sec. 6 of 8



By bearing the nation of Israel through the wilderness, God brought them to Himself at Mount Sinai (vv. 1-4). Exodus 19 shows that God was at Mount Sinai waiting for the children of Israel to come. Mount Sinai in the Bible is called the Mount of God. They were brought to God at Mount Sinai because God was there. They were borne by God on His wings to God Himself.

Two mountains on the earth are very significant in God’s history on this earth. One is Mount Sinai, and the other is Mount Zion. We have seen that Psalm 68 reveals God’s move on the earth from Mount Sinai to Mount Zion (see Life-study of the Psalms, Messages 27 and 28). Now we need to see what God did at Sinai.

Making Them His Own Personal Treasure

At Mount Sinai, God made the children of Israel His own personal treasure among all the peoples, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation (Exo. 19:5-6). As God’s personal treasure, they were a beautiful people particularly belonging to God as God’s heart’s desire. Jeremiah 2 tells us that God had a very affectionate feeling toward the children of Israel. At that time Israel’s love toward God was a bridal love (v. 2). This relationship was very sweet. After being brought out of Egypt to the wilderness and borne through the wilderness to Mount Sinai, to God Himself, God made Israel a personal treasure to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

Exposing Them by Giving Them 
the Law as His Testimony

God exposed the children of Israel by giving them the law as His testimony (Psa. 19:7) so that they might know that they were sinful in nature and evil in deeds and that they had no ability to keep His law (Exo. 20—23; cf. 19:8). In Exodus 19:8 they said, “All that Jehovah has spoken we will do.” They did not know themselves, so that forced God to decree the law. The law is a picture, a photo, a testimony, of what God is. God is a holy, righteous, bright, and loving God. He hates killing, fornication, stealing, lying, and coveting. The law as God’s testimony showed that Israel was not like God. Israel was sinful in nature and evil in deeds.

Revealing to Them the Way to Partake of the Triune God

God also revealed to them the way to partake of the Triune God as their portion for their enjoyment (chs. 25—27; 30; 36—38; 40). This was the purpose for which God bore the children of Israel to Himself at Mount Sinai.

To Get Them Washed from the Dirt 
of the Earth in the Laver

They were washed from the dirt of the earth in the laver, typifying the cleansing Spirit (30:17-21; 40:11-12, 30-32). The bronze laver was where all the serving ones of God washed away all the dirt from their earthly contact. This is a type of the cleansing of the Spirit, who sanctifies us before the sprinkling of the blood of Christ as unveiled in 1 Peter 1:2.

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