How to Enjoy God and How to Practice the Enjoyment of God, Ch. 1, Sec. 3 of 4


God Being Our Habitation

The Bible speaks of another kind of relationship between God and man. In this relationship God is our habitation. Every believer is a habitation of God, a temple of God, a house of God. God dwells within him. The Bible also says that God wants to be our habitation. This is wonderful. God dwells within us, and He allows us to dwell in Him. We are His habitation, and He is our habitation. Therefore, the Bible says that we abide in Him, and He abides in us (John 15:4). When we abide in Him, we enjoy all that He is. When He abides in us, He enjoys all that we are.

We all know what a dwelling place is, and we all need a dwelling place. Without a dwelling place, we have no habitation, no place of rest, no place to set our feet, and no place to work. In order to rest, relax, and work, we need a dwelling place, a habitation. God is not only within us as our food and drink; He is even our habitation. We can dwell in Him, and He can dwell in us. We find eternal rest in Him.

God Being Our Light of Life

The Bible says that God enters into us to be our light of life (8:12). Light is needed for man to exist. Without light we cannot live. In the daytime we have the light of the sun, and at night we have the light of the moon, the stars, and even lamps. We cannot exist without light. Light is a great necessity to us. Without light man falls into darkness, which is an unbearable punishment. It would be a painful experience to be locked in darkness for twenty-four hours. Therefore, the Bible says that darkness is a kind of punishment. Man needs light in order to exist, live, and work.

The Bible says that God is our light. Those who follow Him shall by no means walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. This means that without Him, apart from Him, or severed from Him, we are in darkness. He is so many things to us for our enjoyment. He is our life, our Husband, our food and drink, our habitation, and also our light. He is light, and He wants us to walk in the light.

God Being Our Strength

The Bible also says that God is our strength (Psa. 18:1). It is not sufficient for us to have only life. Although we need life to live, the life we have needs power. Because some people lack strength, they are weak and senile even though they have life. Hence, we need God to be our power, our strength.

God Being Our Love, Joy, and Comfort

In order for a man to live, he also needs love, joy, and comfort. The Bible clearly says that God is love (1 John 4:8). He is also our joy and our comfort (Neh. 8:10; Isa. 51:12). He is everything we need.

God Being Our Healing

If we need healing, God is the best healing for any sickness in our psychology, our soul, or our body. He is Jehovah-ropheka, which means “Jehovah your Healer” (Exo. 15:26). He is Jehovah, the God who heals. With Him we have healing.

God Being Our Guidance

In addition, we need guidance for our personal walk. We need to know when to move and when to stop, when to go forward or backward, and when to turn left or turn right. Thank God that He is our guidance. When we touch Him, we have guidance and direction, and we have a way to go on.

God Being Our All

When we read through the Bible and realize that it presents God as everything to us, we cannot help but praise Him. God wants to be our life, our Husband, our food, our drink, our habitation, our light, our strength, our love, our joy, our comfort, our healing, and our guidance. What He is matches what we need, and He provides Himself to us as that very item. Whatever we need, He is, and He provides us with Himself as that item.

© Living Stream Ministry, 2021, used by permission