The History of God in His Union With Man, Ch. 13, Sec. 6 of 6


The Feast of the Blowing of Trumpets

The Feast of the Blowing of Trumpets (vv. 23-25) typifies God’s calling together of His scattered people, the dispersed Israelites (Matt. 24:31), to be fulfilled at Christ’s coming back (v. 30).

The Feast of Expiation

The Feast of Expiation (Lev. 23:26-32) typifies the enjoyment of God’s propitiation for the whole house of Israel after they will be gathered together by God (Rom. 11:25-27; Zech. 12:10-14). This will be fulfilled at the very time of Christ’s descending from the heavens to the Holy Land in His second coming (Rev. 1:7).

The Feast of Tabernacles

The Feast of Tabernacles (Lev. 23:33-44) typifies the enjoyment of the age of restoration (Matt. 19:28) to be fulfilled in the millennium (Rev. 20:4, 6) on the restored earth, not in the new heaven and new earth yet.

The Sabbath Year

The Sabbath year (Lev. 25:1-7, 18-22), the seventh year, typifies Christ as our rest in full for the land to rest and for the people with their servants, their maids, their hired servants, and their strangers, and with their cattle and the beasts in their land to enjoy food without laboring (vv. 4-7).

The Jubilee

The jubilee, the Pentecostal year, the fiftieth year (vv. 8-17), was a time of shouting in rejoicing. The jubilee typifies Christ as our full release, rest, and joy by His redeeming back what we have lost in our rights and what we have sold in ourselves. This is for us to enjoy Christ in His resurrection in the fullest way forever and ever.

Leviticus shows us the weekly enjoyment, monthly enjoyment, and seven annual feasts. Then it speaks of the Sabbath year and the jubilee. All these items typify the New Testament enjoyment. As New Testament believers, we should be a holy people, a clean people, and a happy people who are always rejoicing. In God’s history among His people, He trained them to worship and partake of Him and to live a holy, clean, and rejoicing life.

The rich enjoyment of Him in the weekly Sabbath, in the monthly new moon, in the seven annual feasts, in the Sabbath year, and in the jubilee, the fiftieth year Sabbath, for the greatest, highest, and deepest enjoyment of God to its fullest extent, makes His elect happy all the time so that they may become a rejoicing people on the earth. Who could invent all these most wonderful feasts, but God? Leviticus, as a record of God’s training to His elect, is also a part of God’s history, showing us what kind of God our God is.

In another series of messages entitled The Move of God in Man, we will go on to the New Testament to see God’s move in man as the concluding part of the history of God in His union with man.

© Living Stream Ministry, 2021, used by permission