The History of God in His Union With Man, Ch. 8, Sec. 3 of 7


Offered to God for God’s Satisfaction 
and Resurrected from the Dead

Isaac as a type of Christ obeyed his father even unto death and was resurrected from death (Gen. 22:9-10; Heb. 11:19). In like manner Christ was offered to God for God’s satisfaction, obeyed His Father even unto death, and was resurrected from death. Isaac was put on the altar, and right at the time Abraham was about to kill him, God intervened, providing a ram as his substitute. This meant that Isaac was resurrected from death.

Gaining the Gentile Church
as His Counterpart through the Holy Spirit

God gained Rebekah to be Isaac’s wife, his counterpart, through Abraham’s old servant who typifies the Holy Spirit as God’s servant sent by God. Isaac took Rebekah, a Gentile woman, as his wife (Gen. 24). This is a type of Christ taking the church as His bride out of the Gentiles. He is gaining the Gentile church as His counterpart through the Holy Spirit.

We can now see that Isaac is a type of Christ in four aspects: the unique only begotten Son, the Son who inherits all that the Father has, the Son who was offered to be the burnt offering and resurrected, and the One who gains a corporate Rebekah for His counterpart through God’s sending of the Holy Spirit to the Gentile world.

Putting Him under His Rich Blessing

God raised Isaac as the unique heir of Abraham, God made him a type of Christ, and God also put him under His rich blessing (25:11a; 26:24b).

Given by His Father All That He Had

Abraham, his father, gave all that he had to Isaac (25:5).

Given by God Two Sons as Twins

Isaac was also given by God two sons as twins by the names of Esau and Jacob (vv. 21-26).

God Appearing to Him and Promising Him

God also appeared to Isaac and promised to be with him and bless him, to give him and his seed the land, to establish the oath He swore unto Abraham his father, to multiply his seed as the stars of heaven, and to cause all the nations of the earth to be blessed in his seed (26:2-4). The whole life of Isaac was a life in which God was with him and in which God blessed him. God would multiply his seed as the stars of heaven. The stars in the heaven cannot be touched by earthly things. We, the New Testament believers, are the stars of heaven. Eventually, all the nations of the earth would be blessed in Isaac’s seed, that is, in Christ.

© Living Stream Ministry, 2021, used by permission