Truth Messages, Ch. 5, Sec. 4 of 4



Romans 16:17 says, “Now I exhort you, brothers, to mark those who make divisions and causes of stumbling contrary to the teaching which you have learned, and turn away from them.” Recently, there have been some among us who have made divisions and causes of stumbling contrary to the teaching which we have learned. We need to keep a watchful eye on such persons. Whenever we see them causing division, we must turn away from them. Although this is not pleasant, it is necessary to preserve the health of the Body. In order for the Body to be healthy, it must be kept from all the factors of division.

Some divisive ones have said that if we turn away from them, we are not the church and do not have the oneness. They have been undermining the Lord’s recovery and causing divisions; nevertheless, they expect the church to include them. But we must be bold to declare that we cannot tolerate division. We cannot permit divisive ones to remain in the fellowship of the church. Do not think that the church should include those who cause division. Yes, the church includes all the believers but not those who cause division.

After speaking about those who make divisions and causes of stumbling, Paul says, “Such men do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own stomach, and through smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple” (v. 18). The Greek word translated “stomach” refers to the belly or the entire abdominal cavity; it is a derivative of the word meaning “hollow.” Those who make divisions have a gap, a hollow space, within them. In their greed and ambition they desire to fill this empty spot. They do not serve the Lord or care for the Lord’s recovery. Instead, they care only to fill the hollowness within them. They do not care for the saints, for the churches, for the recovery, or for the Lord’s testimony. We, however, are slaves of the Lord and are here only for the Lord’s recovery. Nevertheless, there have recently been some among us who did not care for the recovery or for the churches but only for filling the gap in their own inward being.

Romans 16:18 says that those who serve their own stomach, not the Lord Christ, deceive the hearts of the simple through smooth words and flattering speech. In these days many simple ones have been deceived by flattering words and promises.


Titus 3:10-11 is another portion of the Word dealing with divisive ones. Verse 10 says, “A factious man, after a first and second admonition, refuse.” A factious man is one who causes divisions. Such a person is to be refused, rejected, after a first and second admonition. To refuse here means to avoid, to reject.

Verse 11 says, “Knowing that such a one is perverted and is sinning, though he is condemned by his own self.” This indicates that the conscience of the factious ones is not completely dead. Rather, their conscience convicts them that they are wrong, that they are acting against God. Deep within, they know that they are divisive. Hence, they are self-condemned.

Romans 16 and Titus 3 exactly fit today’s situation. Because we cannot tolerate division, we need to keep a watchful eye on those who are divisive and refuse those who are factious.

In 1 Corinthians 5 we see the casting out of a sinful one. The church simply cannot tolerate such a sinful one as described in this chapter.

These four portions of the Word confirm the fact that the church must keep its sanctified position. The church cannot tolerate anything divisive or defiling. How we thank the Lord for the sanctifying word, the sanctifying Spirit, the sanctifying God, and the sanctifying truth! The word of truth is continually dealing with the factors of division within us. Worldliness, ambition, self-exaltation, and opinions and concepts are being put to death so that we can maintain the genuine oneness. May we all see this, exercise ourselves in prayer concerning it, experience it, and practice it.

© Living Stream Ministry, 2021, used by permission