二零二二年国际华语相调特会在神经纶中神的恩典 第二周 经历神在祂经纶中的恩典

晨更经节 —  8 月 22 日 – 8 月 28 日

第二周 经历神在祂经纶中的恩典

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The Grace of God in the Economy of God – Week 2

Morning Watch —  August 22 – August 28, 2022

Experiencing the Grace of God in the Economy of God

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Corporate Reading of “The Tree of Life” Chapter 10 – Sections:
The Church; The Christian Living; The Christian Ministry
Christ As The Seed Of Life Being the Seed Of Everything Related To God’s Purpose
Corporate Reading of “The Tree of Life” Chapter 11 – Sections:
How To Feast On The Tree Of Life Through The Word; The Children’s Bread
The Christian Life Being A Life Of Enjoyment; The Beginning of the Christian Life—a Marriage Feast; The Continuation of the Christian Life; The Consummation of the Christian Life
The Lord Being The Spirit And The Word; Exercising Our Spirit To Touch The Word; The Written Word Becoming The Living Word (paragraphs 1-3)
The Written Word Becoming The Living Word (paragraphs 4-9)


The Tree of Life, Chap 11, Section 3 of 3

A wife could pray in the wrong way, “O Lord, You know I am weak. Lord, help me to submit myself to my husband.” After this kind of prayer, you will be striving. You will be afraid of making a mistake with your husband, and you will be on the alert all the time to make yourself so submissive. This is a real striving, not a feasting. In the morning a wife may endeavor to submit and be quite successful, but in the evening she will fail. Her experience is one of striving and failure. Then she may even feel too ashamed to pray. Maybe after two days she will come back to the Lord and repent—“Lord, forgive me. I failed. Lord, by Your mercy and Your grace, I make up my mind again to submit myself to my husband. Lord, You know how weak I am. Lord, help me.” After this prayer, there will be striving and failure again.

If you learn to contact the Lord in the right way, it is not you who submits but the Lord. It is “no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me” (Gal. 2:20). It is no longer I but Christ as the submitting life. There is no need for me to endeavor or strive. I just need to feast on the Lord. After our prayer in the proper way to contact and enjoy the Lord as our submitting life, we will sing hallelujahs and praises to the Lord. We may even declare, “Hallelujah! I am in the Lord, and I am in the heavens!” There is no need for us to make up our mind to submit ourselves. There is the inner grace ministering this submission into us when it is needed. Spontaneously and willingly we will submit with joy, with happiness, and with rejoicing. We will unconsciously submit ourselves. After we pray in a proper [172] way, there is no tension. The wife will not pay attention to submitting, but she will appreciate and treasure her Lord Christ so much. After this kind of a time with the Lord, her face will become a shining face.

We have to deal with every verse of the Bible in this way. We read it by our eyes, understand it spontaneously by our mind, and deal with it by exercising the spirit to translate or transfer the written word into the living Word, which is Christ Himself. Never pray in a way to ask the Lord to help you do something. That is the wrong way. Instead, always take Him as the fulfillment of His word. Suppose you read John 15:12, which says that we have to love one another. Do not pray, “Lord, I have to love my brother. But, Lord, You know I am weak. Lord, help me to love.” After this prayer you will make up your mind to love the brothers, and you will be exposed and see the failure. You have to expect nothing but failure. You may be successful for a short time, but eventually, you will fail. Even if you were successful, that would not mean anything, nor would it be worth anything.

When we read this word—“love one another”—we have to take the word to the Lord by exercising our spirit to pray, “Lord, You are the love to love my brother. I just open to You. Lord, come in to fill me with Yourself as the love to love my brother. You are the loving life.” We will eventually change our prayer into praise. “Lord, praise You. You are not only my life but also my love.” Thus, to love our brother is not a burden but a feast. It is not a suffering but an enjoyment. We enjoy the Lord when He is loving our brother through us. There is no need for us to make up our mind to love others. We just need to enjoy the Lord, and the Lord will love others through us. We will love so much, yet we will love unconsciously.

The word of the Bible must be dealt with and taken in this way. Then we will really feed and feast on the Lord through the reading of the Word. Then the written word will become the living Word, that is, Christ Himself. Christ and the Bible will be one. We need to taste and see. We have to help the brothers and sisters to contact the word of the Lord in this way. By the mercy of the Lord, we need to keep the Bible as a book of life, the tree of life, not as the tree of knowledge. Knowledge puffs up (1 Cor. 8:1). The more that many Christians learn the Bible, the more puffed up they become. They acquire knowledge just to condemn and to criticize others. Too [173] much knowledge in dead letters results in pride. Do not make this living book a book of dead letters. Paul says that the letter kills (2 Cor. 3:6). That means that the Bible in the letter kills. We should not take the Bible as something in the letter. We have to take the Word as something in life and in the spirit. May we all taste and see that the Lord is good.

We have to change our way of reading this book. Always remember that we have to read with our eyes, understand with our mind, and receive and feed on the Word with our spirit by praying. Then day by day we will be nourished. Day by day the living Word will be made one with the written word, and day by day whenever we receive something of the written word, it will become the Spirit. It is the Word before us, but it will become the Spirit within us. When it becomes the Spirit, it becomes life. The words the Lord speaks to us are spirit and life. When the Word becomes the Spirit, it is life, and when it becomes life, it is the life supply, the food, that nourishes us.

There is a real need for us to spend some time to sit at the table to feast on the Lord, to eat of the Lord, day by day. Then we will be strengthened, refreshed, and nourished. Thus, we will grow in life. We will not grow in dead knowledge, but we will grow in life, in spirit, and with the stature of Christ. The Lord is the tree of life. He presented Himself to us in the form of food, and He is not only in the Word but He is also the Word itself. We can contact Him by using our eyes to read the Word, our mind to understand the Word, and our spirit to digest the Word, to receive the Word, to take the Word in. We have to deal with every portion of the Word by exercising our spirit. Then the Word will become living and will become spirit and life. Then it will be our food. Day by day we have to feast on the Lord in this way. May the Lord bring us into this life practice.

The Tree of Life, Chap 11, Section 2 of 3

Instead of feasting on the Lord all day, it may be that we are striving. Even in the battlefield, however, the Lord spreads a table before us in the presence of our adversaries (Psa. 23:5). While we are fighting, we are feasting. If we do not know how to feast, we can never fight properly. Only those who know how to feast on the Lord, know how to fight for the Lord. The Christian life is a life of enjoyment. In 1958 I was in a conference in Denmark. One day the leading brother there said, “Brother Lee, do you worry? To me you are always happy. Don’t you have some troubles?” I do have troubles, but my secret is that I am a feasting Christian. In myself I should be sorrowful, but in Him there is a real feast. Try to be a feasting Christian, not a striving Christian.

We need to see that the Christian life is a feasting life. We are destined and ordained to feast on the Lord. When I was young, my pastor told me that we were appointed by God to suffer. That frightened me. Later on in my Christian life I found out that we all have to pass through sufferings, but we are destined and ordained by God to feast on Him. The beginning of the Christian life is a feast, the continuation of the Christian life is a table, and the consummation of the Christian life is an eternal feast. May the Lord be gracious to us so that we may begin to feast on Him day by day. Come to the table! Come and feast!


Now we come to the practical point of how to feast. According to the biblical revelation, the Lord is the Spirit and the living Word. John 6:63 and 2 Corinthians 3:6 tell us that it is the Spirit who gives life. Who is this Spirit? First Corinthians 15:45b says, “The last Adam became a life-giving Spirit,” and 2 Corinthians 3:17 says, “The Lord [169] is the Spirit.” The Lord is the Spirit who gives life, and this life-giving Spirit is the incarnated, crucified, resurrected, and ascended Christ. Christ by His death and resurrection became a life-giving Spirit. As food to us, as a feast to us, Christ is the life-giving Spirit. Our food is the Spirit.

The Spirit is abstract like the air, but the Word is concrete. In John 6:63 the Lord also said, “The words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.” In our concept we always consider that the Word of God involves knowledge and teachings in letters. But the Lord told us that His words are spirit. The word of the Lord is spirit. Second Timothy 3:16 says that “all Scripture is God-breathed.” This indicates that the Scripture, the Word of God, is the breath of God. Hence His Word is spirit, pneuma, or breath.

We should not consider the Scripture to be merely in letters. The Scripture is the breath of life. The words spoken by the Lord are spirit because the Lord Himself is the Spirit. Thus, whatever is breathed out of Him must be spirit. We have to change our concept. The word does not equal knowledge but spirit. The words the Lord speaks to us are spirit, not knowledge, and all Scripture is the breath of God. The Lord Himself is in the Word, and He Himself is even called the Word. In the beginning was the Word, the Word was God (John 1:1), and God is Spirit (4:24). The Lord is the Word, and the Word is the Spirit.


A newspaper is composed of material in black and white, in letter only. When we read the newspaper, we must exercise our eyes to read and our mind to understand. But we cannot and should not deal with the Word of God in this way. The Word of God needs our eyes to read, but it is not for our eyes to read. It needs our mind to understand, but it is not for our mind to understand. The eyes are the members of the physical body, and the mind is the main part of the soul. But the Word is for our spirit to receive and digest. After we read and understand the Word, we have to exercise our spirit to take the Word. The Word is not for our eyes to read nor for our mind to understand but for our spirit to feed on. If we do not exercise our spirit while reading the Word, the Bible is the tree of knowledge to us and not the tree of life. The same Bible may be a book of knowledge to one person or a book of life to another person. Whether it is [170] a book of knowledge or a book of life depends on what organ we use to deal with this book.

After I received the Lord as a young man, for at least seven years I contacted the Bible without realizing I needed to exercise my spirit to touch the Lord in the Word. No one ever helped me to realize that I had to exercise my spirit to deal with this spiritual book. I was never taught in this way. Thus, the more I studied this book merely with my mind, the more dead I became. The more I studied, the more I was filled with dead letters, dead knowledge. We have to exercise our spirit to deal with this living Word and to touch the Word. Then the Word becomes spirit. When it becomes spirit, it becomes life. When it becomes life, it is the food, the supply of life, to us.

When we come to the Word, we have to read it with our eyes and understand it with our mind, but there is no need for us to exercise our mind too much. Our mind has been over-exercised. Even when we are sleeping, our mind is still exercised because we dream. If we do not understand something when we are reading the Word, we should not be bothered. After we understand something, however, we have to exercise our spirit to touch that portion of the Word by the way of prayer. Right away we have to pray about what we understand and pray with what we understand.


The Lord is the living Word, and the Bible is the written word. Are the written word and the living Word two kinds of words? If we consider the written word to be something different from the living Word, the written word will be dead knowledge to us. The written word cannot be separated from the living Word but must be one with the living Word.

Many wives are very familiar with Ephesians 5:22, which says, “Wives, be subject to your own husbands as to the Lord.” Most wives appreciate and respect others’ husbands; hence, the apostle exhorts the wives to be subject to their own husbands as to the Lord, regardless of what kind of husbands they are. How could a wife transfer or translate this written word into the living Word? We have to realize that the submission to the husband which the wives should have is nothing less than Christ Himself. The wives should submit themselves to their husbands, and this submission is Christ. [171]

After reading such a word, we have to put what we understand into prayer. A wife should not pray, “Lord, help me to submit myself to my own husband.” The Lord never answers this prayer. She should pray, “Lord, I know that this submitting life, this submission, is You. I not only take this word, but I also take You. Lord, work Yourself into me as this submitting life. Work Yourself into me to be my very submission. I take You as the reality of this word. I come to contact You through this word and in this word.” If a wife prays in this way, she will enjoy the Lord. She may also pray, “Lord, I do not pay much attention to the matter of submitting, but I pay my full attention to You. I want to enjoy You. Lord, I thank You that You are so much to me. You are not only my Savior and my Lord but also my submission. My submission to my own husband is You Yourself. I am going to enjoy You and take You as my submission.”


The Tree of Life, Chap 11, Section 1 of 3



Scripture Reading: Matt. 15:21-2822:21 Cor. 10:2111:24-26Rev. 19:9Psa. 23:5John 6:632 Cor. 3:61 Cor. 15:45b2 Cor. 3:172 Tim. 3:16John 1:14:24

We have pointed out that the tree of life, the matter of life, is the very seed, the very root, of all the things related to God’s purpose, especially in four main areas. First, the inner life is the seed of the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is something that grows up and grows out of this seed of the inner life. Second, the church life is the outcome of the inner life. Third, the Christian walk, the Christian living, is also the outflow of the inner life. The Christian behavior, the Christian conduct, is not just something of human morality, but it is something of divine expression. The divine life is in us, and we live by this divine life with the divine nature. Then we will have the outflow of the divine life. Thus, the Christian behavior, the Christian walk, is the very expression of the inner divine life and divine nature and is the fruit of the inner, indwelling Holy Spirit. It is not just something human. It must be divinity mingled with humanity. Fourth, the Christian work, the Christian service, or the Christian ministry is not just an activity but an overflow of the inner life. As we feed on the Lord Jesus, we will flow out something of Himself to minister to others.


Matthew 15:21-28 records the Lord’s contact with a Canaanite woman: “Jesus went from there and withdrew into the parts of Tyre and Sidon. And behold, a Canaanite woman came out from those borders and cried out, saying, Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter suffers terribly from demon possession. But He did not answer her a word. And His disciples came and implored Him, saying, Send her away, for she is crying out after us. But He [166] answered and said, I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. But she came and worshipped Him, saying, Lord, help me! But He answered and said, It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs. And she said, Yes, Lord, for even the little dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table. Then Jesus answered and said to her, O woman, great is your faith! Be it done to you as you wish. And her daughter was healed from that hour.”

In this passage of Scripture the Lord revealed Himself to the Canaanite woman as “the children’s bread.” The Canaanite woman considered Him the Lord, a divine person, and the Son of David, a royal descendant, great and high to reign. But He unveiled Himself to her as small pieces of bread, good for food. We may cry to the Lord day by day, asking Him to do things for us without any realization that He is the children’s bread for us to enjoy, for us to feed on. From now on, I hope we would contact the Lord every morning with the realization that He is the children’s bread. We may be the Gentile dogs but “even the little dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table” (v. 27). As the heavenly King, the Lord rules over His people by feeding them with Himself as bread. We can be the proper people in His kingdom only by being nourished with Him as our food. To eat Christ as our supply is the way to be the kingdom people in the reality of the kingdom.


The Beginning of the Christian Life—a Marriage Feast

Matthew 22:2 says, “The kingdom of the heavens has become like a king who prepared a wedding feast for his son.” The proper preaching of the gospel is to invite people to a wedding feast. The unsearchably rich Christ is a feast prepared by God for man’s enjoyment. The gospel is a wedding feast. When we preach the gospel to people, appealing to people, inviting people to come, this means that we invite them to come to a feast, not just to come to repent with tears. The Lord might tell these pitiful sinners, “Don’t weep with tears but rejoice. You are coming to a feast. You have come to enjoy Me.” The sinners have come to enjoy the tree of life. We may have been saved for years, but we may not have had this kind of realization. When we come to the Lord Jesus, we come to feast on Him. [167] We come to partake of a feast. The beginning of the Christian life is an enjoyment of a wedding feast.

The Continuation of the Christian Life—the Lord’s Table

After we are saved, day by day and week after week we feast at the table. First Corinthians 10:21 says, “You cannot drink the Lord’s cup and the demons’ cup; you cannot partake of the Lord’s table and of the demons’ table.” After we get saved, we have to come to the Lord’s table continually, at least once a week. Lord’s Day after Lord’s Day we come to a table. The real remembrance of the Lord is to partake of Him by eating and drinking Him. First Corinthians 11:24 says, “Having given thanks, He broke it and said, This is My body, which is given for you; this do unto the remembrance of Me.” The breaking of the bread is that we may eat it (Matt. 26:26). The real remembrance of the Lord is to take Him and eat Him. We do not remember the Lord by using our mind to think, to consider, to meditate on, something about the Lord. But we remember Him by exercising our spirit to feed on Him. First Corinthians 11:25 continues, “This cup is the new covenant established in My blood; this do, as often as you drink it, unto the remembrance of Me.” Again, the real remembrance of the Lord is to eat Him and to drink Him.

At the beginning of the spiritual life, we come to a wedding feast. Then after we are saved, week after week, we have to come to a feast, the Lord’s table. At the Lord’s table we exercise our spirit to eat and drink the Lord, once more testifying and even proclaiming to the whole universe that this is the way that we live by the Lord. We live by taking Christ as our food and drink. We live by eating Him and by drinking Him. This is the real remembrance. The Christian life starts with a wedding feast and continues with the Lord’s table until the Lord comes (v. 26).

The Consummation of the Christian Life—
the Marriage Dinner of the Lamb

Revelation 19:9 says, “He said to me, Write, Blessed are they who are called to the marriage dinner of the Lamb.” This is the time of the Lord’s coming back. At the Lord’s coming back, the overcoming believers will enjoy the marriage dinner of the Lamb. At the marriage dinner of the Lamb, the believers will enjoy a special portion of Christ. A wedding feast is not ordinary food but a special [168] portion. The Lord Himself by that time will be a special portion for us to enjoy.

The Christian life starts with a wedding feast, continues with His table week after week until He comes, and when He comes, we will have a marriage dinner. The entire Christian life from the beginning to the end is the enjoyment of a feast. Do we enjoy the Lord all the time in our Christian life? Do we feast and feast again and again in our Christian life? The Christian life is a life of feasting. It starts with feasting, continues with feasting, and ends with feasting. We will feast on the Lord eternally.